Chapter 43: The Tallest

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Mims spoke briefly with station security. He asked that Yasme be kept away from the docking bay that contained the Random Encounter. After leaving the security checkpoint, they were approached by a man with a camera drone hovering over his shoulder.

The man was a brilend. Pale skin with a slight grey tint. Black hair, kept short. Silver eyes, shifting constantly as he took in everything around him. He was a little below average height, with a strong jaw and lean physique that spoke of agility and stamina over raw strength. He wore a dark blue voidsuit, high end, more form fitting then the bulky model Yvian had used on the original Wandering Lady.

He gave an impression of capability, but not violence. This man was no killer. There was something... earnest about him. Trustworthy, perhaps. Yvian decided she liked him.

"Excuse me," his voice was smooth, polite. It sounded familiar somehow. "Are you the Kiver sisters?"

"We were," said Lissa.

The man's quirked an eyebrow. "Were?"

"I'm motherless, now," Yvian felt a twinge when she said it. "I'm no longer a Kiver."

Few outsiders knew enough about pixen culture to grasp the implications. This man did. His eyes widened. "You've been disowned?"

The hurt and loss welled up within her, but she ruthlessly pushed it back down. Yvian met his gaze calmly, as the Captain would. "Yes."

"Why?" The brilend's brow furrowed, confusion melting into his shock. "You're one of the heroes of Milvari. The saviors of Krog Prime. Why turn the most famous pixens in Confed history into outcasts?"

"It's a long story," Lissa told him. "And you are?"

"Oh! Apologies!" The man sketched a small bow, one hand atop his head in the traditional brilend greeting. "I seem to have forgotten my manners. My name's Danil. Danil Starlancer."

"Lissa Kiver," Lissa said, returning the gesture.

"Yvian," said Yvian, not returning the gesture. She did nod in his direction.

"And that would make you," Danil addressed the Captain. "The infamous Madlad Mims. Captain of the Random Encounter."

Mims said nothing. A subtle tension traced through his body. He tilted his head, examining the camera drone, then slowly turned his visor towards the reporter. The effect was... intimidating. The brilend nearly took a step backward in the face of the Captain's regard. He shouldn't have worried. If the Captain was considering violence, he'd keep his body relaxed. Tension didn't mean danger with Mims. Tension just meant he felt awkward.

As usual, Lissa broke the silence. "Wait, Danil Starlancer? Danil from Spacedock Weekly? You're that Danil?"

Danil tore his gaze away from the Captain. "Yes. That's me." He tried for a smile. "It's nice to meet you."

The Captain spoke. "How are you here?"

Danil blinked. "Come again?"

"The krog don't like foreign journalists," said Mims. "I was under the impression this station is closed to the media."

"And you, Captain?" He straightened a little, less intimidated now that the human was speaking.

"Do you not like foreign journalists?"

"I don't care," said Mims. "I just don't want to deal with a mob of newscasters while I go about my business."

"Ah." The reporter nodded. "I don't think you have to worry. As far as I can tell, I'm the only journalist here."

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