Chapter 118: Monster on Board

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"There's something on the ship with us."

Danil Starlancer was tense, nervous. His eyes darted around the bridge, and a Confederation assault rifle was clutched in his hands. The reporter showed a distinct lack of muzzle discipline, pointing the weapon in whatever direction he happened to be looking.

The bridge of the commandeered frigate was spacious. Rows of seats with consoles in front of them formed semi-circles facing a raised dais that held the command chair. Captain Mims didn't bother with the fancy chair. He sat in one of the rows, eyes on the console in front of him. He wasn't wearing his helmet, and he glanced up with tired eyes as the Brilend hustled over.

Yvian stifled a yawn. After fighting through the riot, getting captured, getting rescued, and moving the bodies of the Agents and their crew, she was in desperate need of her bunk. Sitting in front of her own console, she did her best to watch the sensors for threats, but she had to stand up and walk around every few minutes just to stay awake.

The Captain watched the reporter approach, shifting in his seat. Yvian turned back to the sensor readings. Scoland Sector was always busy, but now it was absolutely teeming with ships. It was two jumpgates away from Brilend Prime, and seemed to be one of the more popular destinations for Brilends fleeing their homeworld. There was a heavy militia presence, but so far no one had paid their stolen frigate any mind.

When Starlancer got within ten feet, Mims spoke. "You know that blaster won't do you any good, right?" As the reporter glanced at the weapon, the Captain continued. "DNA locked. Won't fire."

"There's something on the ship with us," the Brilend repeated.

"The ship is secure, Danil." Mims leaned back in his chair. "We'll be at Kilgor Station in two hours. Why don't you sit tight until then?"

"Secure?" A hint of anger pierced the reporter's fear. "Something tore through one of the doors on the ship. Something with claws."

"I know."

"You know?" The reporter tightened his grip on his blaster even more. "Did you know it's been eating the bodies?"

"You looked at the bodies?" The Captain scratched his head and let out a breath. "Of course you did."

"They weren't shot, Mims." Danil glowered. "Everyone that died was either crushed or torn apart."

Mims shrugged.

"You didn't escape on your own," the reporter guessed. "Did you."

"No," the human admitted. "These weren't a bunch of Milita dunks. Agents of the Unknown are some of the most disciplined, dangerous, and well equipped people the Confed has to offer. Even I couldn't engineer an escape on my own."

"Which means someone came to your rescue." Danil checked the door behind him again. "No. Not someone. Something. Something that could tear through fifty armed agents by itself. Something the sensors can't pick up." His eyes narrowed. "Something that eats sapient flesh."

"You know," Mims remarked. "Snooping around when you think there's a monster on board doesn't sound like a safe decision."

"I'm a Chronicler of Lives," the Brilend reminded him. "Learning the truth is more important than my own personal safety."

"Huh." Mims grunted. "You seem sure of yourself. You were terrified of me just a few hours ago."

"It's like you said, Mims," Danil pointed his weapon at a bulkhead and pulled the trigger. "You never fail a contract." He set the useless gun down.

"That doesn't mean I won't kill you once the contract's complete," Mims pointed out.

"You won't." The Brilend was certain. "Stop deflecting. It's a Vrrl, isn't it?"

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