6x07 Rewrite

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"We have some concerns about your health Maya, we're going to keep you here for a little bit and wait for everything to stabilize." Carina said calmly, looking at her broken wife in the hospital bed.

She couldn't really wrap her mind around what happened. Maya had literally overdid it so badly to the point where she could've died. It was terrifying how easily she could've been taken away from her.

"What? No, I'm fine. You can discharge me." Maya argued, sitting up slightly, her pale face dull under the light.

"Maya, you cannot leave yet. Your labs are still concerning me and this is what is best for you." Teddy explained.

"N-no. I need to leave. I-I'm not staying here overnight. And you can't make me." Maya said, panicking.

"If you won't stay voluntarily then we'll place you on a 72 hour hold. Bambina, you are not okay. And that's okay, but you need help. So let us. Please." Carina said softly, grabbing Mayas hand.

"P-please let me go home. Please. I-I-" Maya panted, her breaths struggling to come.

"Calm down, Maya. You need to calm down." Teddy said, eyeing the quickly beeping heart monitor.

It was clear as day that Maya was having a panic attack, which was the last thing Maya needed right now.

One look at her distressed wife broke Carinas heart. Her chest rising and falling rapidly, the tears streaming down her face was almost too much. But she promised in sickness and in health she would stay with her.

So she did.

"Relax, bella. It's okay. You're okay. I've got you. Deep breaths." Carina said, climbing in bed with Maya and wrapping her tightly in her arms.

Maya panted as she struggled to take in a breath. She barely even noticed as Teddy put an oxygen mouth over her mouth, just trying to focus on Carina's arms wrapped around her.

Carina whispered sweet nothings into her ear as Maya slowly calmed down. "Please don't leave me." Maya whispered, her voice shaking as she held on to Carina for dear life.

"I'll never leave you, Bambina. We will get through this together, okay? I love you." Carina replied as the shorter firefighter looked into her eyes.

"I love you too. I'm sorry." Maya said, ashamed of herself for letting it get this bad. "Don't apologize for how you feel. We're going to be okay, I promise." Carina said, kissing Maya's forehead gently.

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