Chapter 5 "Caught In the Act"

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Darcy’s POV

Since that night i stayed at Niall’s place, Stefan and I haven’t spoken a word, but when i got home i remembered what Niall asked me a few days ago, about being his princess, maybe he didn’t actually mean it because he never re asked that question.

It’s now Monday and I’m already late for school, we all slept in so Alice and I had to speed in my car to school. We got into simple clothes for today since it’s only a Monday.

My Outfit-


Alice’s Outfit-

We arrive at school and run to the office to get a late pass and go to my first lesson, which is History, but not just any history class, no..... We learn about magical creatures like mermaids, vampires, werewolves so i like the subject a lot.

I knock on the door and open it.

“Oh Hello Miss Styles” My teacher Mrs Hilary.

“Sorry I’m late miss” I say and she sighs.

“Not to worry, why don’t you take a seat next to Mr Horan and Miss Greaves?” Mrs Hilary asks and i slowly nod least I will be next to Niall but next to the school slut Michelle, who covered me in her drink on the first day. Yeah her.

I sit down and open my book and Niall whispers in my ear “I thought you were going to play a no show”

I giggle quietly and whisper back “No way, i didn’t mean to be late” and he nods going back to listen to the teacher.

“God your such a slut Darcy, first to break Stefan’s heart and now your all over Niall, wow what a loser” Michelle whispers at me and kicks my foot.

“You know nothing Michelle” I whisper back harshly and she chuckles evilly.

“I know Stefan hates Niall’s guts because he stole you away from him” She says smirking at me.

“Michelle, you better back off before i get pissed off, go have sex with one of the jocks” I say smirking and she huffs and turns away.

We finally made it to lunch and I grab some pasta with a drink of cola and sit down at the normal table. Niall soon sits down next to me followed by Jacob, Annie and Rachel. We all start talking but i notice Stefan is anywhere to be seen.

“Guys, have you seen Stefan today?” I ask and they all nod.

“He was here this morning” Annie says confused.

“Um, guys look who he is hanging with” Rachel points out and we all turn around to see Stefan with.... MICHELLE!

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