Chapter 24 "Wow"

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Darcy’s POV

There’s no way this is real.

Niall almost starts to cry onto my shoulder.

“IS THIS A KIND OF SICK JOKE!” I scream at them all and they flinch. Niall hugs me from behind but im too angry. That is the most horrible joke ever.

“IS TRUE THO!” Lillian screams back with her demon voice but i wasn’t going to i give in.

“THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A CURE FOR VAMPIRES!” I scream back crying with my demon voice, which is a lot deeper than Lillian’s and her eyes started going black, i could feel mine doing the same. Niall spun me around to face him but i didn’t look into his eyes.

“Darcy, look at me” he growls, i slowly look up to see his purple eyes trying to calm me down.

“We are telling the truth” Rachel says to me coming to my side.

“No, if there was i would see it in my mum’s books!” I cry out on my demon voice again, shaking.

“Thats the thing!” Jacob states.

“It’s only just been found! We wouldn’t lie to you Darcy!” Annie shouts at me.

“STOP IT! STOP IT!” I scream covering my ears to stop the lies flooding through. I bury my face into Niall’s chest and he tries to make me face him but i don’t let him. I feel someone touch my shoulder and i turn around fast getting in their face and its Stefan.

“We can prove it, we know where the book is” He says.

“H-How” I stutter.

“The girl told me where, but only you and Rachel will be able to get it, you need your powers” He says and i nod.

I look at Niall and he nods.

“We need to find it, making sure it doesn’t get into the wrong hands” Niall says and i nod, wiping away my tears with my jacket sleeve and we get into the car and drive to where ever the thing is. We arrive in the dark forest and its looks horrible, evil, and just plain creepy. We stop and all get out, and Rachel and I start to glow, me in pink and her in blue, we follow the two light paths, leading the way until it stops and makes a circle around a flat stone that have two carved symbols on it.

I and Rachel stand around it, as the light around us goes into the two symbols making them glow. The wind picks up making our hair and clothes move with the wind.

“What do we do now?” Rachel asks.

“Place one of your hands on the symbol, and the rock will start to float, showing whatever is underneath it” Lillian says and we nod. Placing one of our hands onto the symbol and i feel my power being drained from me, i look at Rachel and she looks in pain. I feel my body becoming weak but then it starts to float and we start being lifted off the ground.

“You guys okay?” Annie asks worried.

I grunt in response and Rachel whimpers.

Suddenly a book fell from under the rock and the symbols stopped glowing, causing me and Rachel to fall and Niall catches me in his arms and Jacob catches Rachel in his. Lillian picks up the book but it burns her fingers and she hisses and drops the book.

“THE HELL IS THAT!” She hisses loudly.

“I think only Payne blood can touch it” Annie suggests and i nod, crawling over to touch the book, but it flies into my hands at such force i fall onto my back. Niall helps me stand as i open the book and start reading the things i need to make the cure.

“Wait, this says the cure can only be made once every fifth generation, according to this, the cure has never been used before, so i don’t know if it works” I say worried.

“We have to try” Jacob says.

“But what if other vampires find out about the cure?” Niall says worried.

“Then we will fight to protect it and Niall can be human again” I say.


I’m sorry it’s a short chapter

Its only because I’ve been studying for my half yearly exams next week so i haven’t had time to write this chapter.

I’m surprised that there was only one person who got the answer right.


I hope you guys liked this chapter

What will Sara, Harry and everyone else think about the cure?




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