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“DARCY GET YOU, ALICE AND TYLER UPSTAIRS! NOW!” Niall screams at me and i nod, carrying Alice upstairs into my bathroom and Tyler locks the door. We are all scared shitless and Tyler hugs us both tight and we sit on the floor. We hear screams, things smashing and loud bangs. Suddenly the door flies open and our father is there, holding a knocked out, bruised and bloody Niall in his hand, holding him by the collar of his shirt and hisses at us.

“NIALL!” I scream as my father throws Niall to the ground.







Darcy’s POV

As my father throws Niall to the ground, Alice gasps behind me and I quickly use all the power in my body to jump on my dad’s back and start punching, kicking, starching, biting, anything to take his mind off Niall. He then grabs my hand and throws me over his shoulder and took the floor, i hit it hard and i groan in pain.

“FATHER STOP THIS! HAVE YOU GONE MAD!” Tyler screams, pulling my dad away from me but my father just pushes Tyler away and his eyes are still blood red and a smirk plays on his lips. I whimper in fear as he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and pulls me to my feet and hisses at me, causing me to whimper again.

“YOU’RE NOT MY FATHER! STOP!!!” I shout at him, spitting in his face and he growls at me and throws me to the wall, i bounce off and land on my stomach. I heard Alice screaming at my father but Tyler was holding her in the bathroom, so she didn’t see me getting bashed by my own father.

“Darcy, i forbid you from seeing him” My father growls at me and i lung at him, punching him in the jaw and all my powers start to crowd around us, fire, wind, water, earth and lighting were making a circle around us and i notice Niall whisper.

“Stop Darcy”

Then all of the elements disappear and he sighs, i run over to him and hug him tightly. He embraces me and pulls me onto his lap and breathes slowly into the crook of my neck, tears suddenly hit my skin and i pull away and its Niall crying softly. My father made my boyfriend cry....

Thats it.

I swing my whole body around and i know this is wrong, but i use my power to cause pain all over my father’s body, he screams and falls onto his knees holding his head. I smirk and cause him more pain. With that he jumps and tackles me to the ground and bites into the side of my neck, causing me to scream in pain as he drank my blood and all my power of pain left his body. He grunts into my neck and i feel my body going numb.

The True Light, Darcy Styles ➵ HoranWhere stories live. Discover now