Chapter 26 "Did it work?"

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A/N I’m so sorry i haven’t updated this book in ages!

I’ve just finished my half yearly exams, two concerts, three horse comps, netball games and dealing with dumb teenage drama at school with people making me feel like shit but hey, thats always seems to happen, but keeping you guys happy makes me happy, I’m sorry this took so long.

Read my newest book One Direction’s Project <3

Darcy’s POV


It’s been a whole week and two days since Niall took the cure and he is still passed out on my bed. I haven’t been able to sleep in my own room, I’ve been sleeping in Lillian’s room with her since it hurts seeing Niall like this. I don’t understand why he hasn’t woken up yet and that worries me most of all. Least he isn’t dead.

I’m now laying in my bed beside him, stroking his cheek when suddenly i see his eyes start to flutter open and i jump away from him looking down at his blue eyes now fully open staring at me.

“D-Darcy?” Niall stutters sitting up then groans.

I push him back down and put a cloth over his forehead “You need to rest Nialler, i don’t know if the cure fully worked”

“Then do something to see” Niall whispers and i nod, grabbing a razor from the bathroom, and cut my wrist so the dark red liquid runs down my hand. I look over to Niall and see him with no red eyes, no fangs and not wanting to suck me dry.

“It works” I say smiling.

“Thank god, now fix that wound Darcy” Niall demands and i nod, getting a badge and wrapping it around the cut so it is covered. Soon enough all the girls rush into the room followed by Jacob and Stefan.

Girl’s outfits-

“Nialler your awake” Alice says smiling.

“I brought you some Nandos” Tyler says walking into my room with a bag of Nandos. “And you get some MacDonald’s Darcy” Tyler says handing us both a bag of food. Niall eats straight away and i start eating my cheese burger slowly.

“How you feeling Niall?” Jacob asks.

“Alright” Niall mumbles while eating his chicken.

“You look good Nialler” Annie says smiling.

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