Chapter 27 "The Old Crew Reunited & The Question"

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Sara’s POV


It’s been a whole five months now since Niall became human again and I’m really jealous of him getting a second chance but I love Harry, nothing will change that. Today Niall wants to talk to us, and by us i mean the old crew. The old vampire hunters, the new vampires that came into our lives and the girls who joined into this crazy group when we were teenagers.

Which means Liam, Niall, Zayn, Perrie, Eleanor, Danielle, Harry and I are having a little talk at our family home. Darcy, Tyler and Alice have all gone out for the day with the other kids for some shopping or whatever so that leaves us alone which is great.

Harry walks in and moves his hair upwards and fixes his jeans. For me he still is looking hot as a teenager and super sexy. Now even to the kids we look our teenage years which they find annoying but they can deal with it.

“Hey Sara” Harry says, in his deep voice and kisses my forehead softly smirking.

“Hey Haz” I say back smiling kissing his cheek and sitting down.

“What do you think Niall wants to talk to us about?” Harry asks curious.

I shrug and lay against his shoulder and sigh.

Soon enough Louis and Eleanor walk in smiling and holding hands-

Louis and Eleanor Outfit-

“Hey guys” Eleanor says beaming and hugs me tightly.

“Eleanor.Need.To.Breathe!” I stammer out while she is crushing me in the hug and she lets go making me catch my breath.

 “Heyya!” Louis says walking in and sitting on Harry’s lap, well no jumping on his lap causing Harry to groan.

“Sometimes you really would think Larry is real wouldn’t you?” Eleanor says to me causing me to crack up in laughter at her comment.

“You never know, we could be Larry, you could just be pawns in our plan” Louis says winking at us making us stick our tongues at them.


Then Danielle and Liam walk in together smiling with Niall behind them eating Nandos, what else does that boy do other than eat. We are now all sitting waiting for Perrie and Zayn to walk in.

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