Chapter 14 "Fun Times & Mistakes"

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Darcy’s POV

After Stefan and I got to the cottage and we went to our room where two single beds were placed on both sides of the room and i threw my bag on the bed and smiled at Stefan who did the same.

“What ya wanna do Dar?” Stefan asks.

“I don’t know, i remember you had the heated pool here last year?” I say smirking and he nods, grabbing some boardies and walks into the bathroom so i can get changed.


Stefan comes out in only the board shorts and perfectly toned...


I’m with Niall....

Gosh what have i done!

He is going to think I’m cheating on him!

But i needed space and Stefan is the only normal one so he will understand hopefully. We head to the heated pool and jump in, we start swimming around the warm pool and splashing each other and yelling at each other while laughing. I tell him to jump out with me and then i use my powers to make the water like Jelly and we smirk. We jump onto and bounce jump and down, suddenly i slip over and he lands on top of me. He then digs his fingers into the sides of my stomach, causing me to laugh and wriggle under him. I hate being tickled i hate it. I laugh and try to push him off which i do and i start to tickle him.

“I’ve missed this” Stefan whispers to me and i nod.

“Do you forgive me for being with Michelle?” He asks with a hint of worry in his eyes and i smile and nod at him, making him wrap me in a hug and pulling me onto his chest. Suddenly the water starts to give way and go back into the liquid form and we fall into the now cold water and our teeth shake and we basically run on water to get out. Stefan grabs the fire wood and we run inside.

“Get changed Darcy i will start the fire” Stefan says wrapping the towel around his body and i simply nod walking to my room and getting into something comfy and warm.


I walk out and see the fire going and Stefan on the phone ordering food or something like that i guess. I sit down in front of the fire and try and get warm. Stefan signals me he is getting changed and i nod watching him walk into the bedroom. My phone then starts going off on the counter and i walk over and its says i have....




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