Chapter Two: Terminus

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One Year Later
Janie held her arms out and put one foot in front of the other, she wobbled slightly before jumping down from the train track and running towards a sign ahead of her that read,
Terminus: Sanctuary For All
She took a Sharpie out of her pocket and pulled the lid off with her teeth before holding it up to the sign, she stuck her tongue out in concentration as she coloured in all of the holes in the words before putting the pen back in her pocket. There was a growl behind her so, quickly she grabbed her knife from the holster around her leg and spun around to see the walker stumbling towards her, its jaw hanging off and swinging side to side as it walked and it's skeletal hand reached out towards her. She smirked as she raised her knife and drove it into the walkers skull. It dropped to the floor with a thud and she stepped back onto the tracks.

Janie came to a stop at a large chainlink gate, through it she could see a brick building with chimney stacks sat on top producing thick smoke. A young man with a scruffy beard walked towards the gate and smiled kindly as he opened it.
"Welcome to Terminus." The man beamed. "I'm Gareth."
"Janie." She replied sternly before sweeping her unruly, blonde hair from her face using her gun.
"Could you place your weapons on the floor please?" He asked and she nodded before taking her knife and placing it down alongside her pistol. Gareth patted her down before giving her back her weapons.
He led her to the side of the building where there were people sitting on benches eating and talking and a woman cooking meat on a grill. The woman smiled as she handed Janie a plate of food and a cup of water and Janie sat down on one of the benches.
"Hey." She said to the man next to her who was wearing a strange poncho. "You got a smoke?"
The man shook his head so she shrugged and tucked into her food.
She looked around at Terminus and suddenly her vision distorted, there seemed to be two of everything, she squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again and, suddenly, she fell backwards off of the bench.

"Wake up little girl."
"Are you okay?"
Janie felt a hand on her shoulder, instantly she grabbed their arm and sat up to see a large ginger man with a handlebar moustache, he resembled a stereotypical army general.
"Don't fuckin' touch me." She growled.
"What the bitch?" The man exclaimed. "You're scary."
Janie ignored him and looked around at her surroundings, she was in a long, dark room with a large sliding door on the side. Behind the man was a group of people all staring at Janie.
Janie patted the pockets of her jacket and looked down at the holster on her leg, they were all empty.
"Do you have a name?" A woman with pigtails and large hoop earrings asked and Janie nodded.
"I'm Rosita." She said with a slight spanish accent. "This is Abraham, Eugene, Maggie, Glenn, Tara, Sasha and Bob. We're trying to figure out how to get out of here."

They all turned to the door, they could hear the sound of gunshots and yelling and it was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, it stopped and the door slid open allowing the light to pour in, everyone squinted and covered there eyes as more people entered the room and the door slammed shut behind them, plunging them into darkness once again.
Janie let her eyes adjust until she could see four figures, a handsome man with a scruffy beard and curly hair, a boy around the same age as her who had a sherrifs hat sat on his shoulder length, brown hair and a dark skinned woman with long dreadlocks adorned with beads and shells. The last person stayed hidden in the dark, behind his friends. Glenn, a young, asian man, stepped forward slowly towards them.
"Rick?" He asked the man with the scruffy beard as Maggie, Sasha and Bob stepped forward too.
"You're here?" Rick spoke.
"Jane?" A deep voice came from the figure in the corner of the room, Janie looked up, it was a voice she recognised.
"Daryl?" She asked and he grunted, she gasped as he stepped into the light. His hair was longer and darker than when she last saw him and his eyes were dark and tired. He looked older and more worn out. She ran towards him before falling into his open arms and resting her head on his warm chest, feeling it rise up and down as he breathed. She looked up at his face and the tears welling in his eyes before stepping away from him and pushing him back forcefully.
"Why the fuck did you leave me?" She asked him, looking at him through narrowed eyes. Daryl sighed and looked down at the floor.
"I'm sorry." He said. "Merle-"
"Where is he?" Janie interrupted him. "I'll kill that son of a bitch."
"He's dead." Daryl replied.

- Princexiero xx

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