Chapter Fifteen: Highway Men

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"Rick, you copy?" Daryl asked as he let go of the steering wheel and picked up the radio, there was just static. "Anybody?"
Suddenly the truck came to a stop, a gang of ten men on motorcycles were blocking the road and they didn't look like they were planning on going anywhere.
"Get down." Daryl whispered to Janie and she slumped in her seat.
"Why don't you come out, join us in the road?" One of the men spoke, his short greasy hair was parted in the middle and he had a scruffy beard. Daryl nodded and the trio jumped out leaving Janie where she was. "Hand over your weapons." The man said.
"Why should we?" Daryl asked.
"Well they're not yours." The man replied smiling to show a dull golden tooth.
"Who's are they?" Sasha asked and the mans face dropped.
"Your property now belongs to Negan."
Janie watched as they handed over their weapons before looking around the cab of the truck, there had to be something here she could use to help, there had to be a reason Daryl asked her to stay. There was too many people for her to take out with her gun, that didn't make sense, and Daryl was stood in the way so she couldn't just take the handbrake off of the truck and let it flatten the gang like a steam roller. She turned around and tugged at the drivers seat hoping it would lift up and there'd be something underneath but nothing happened so she moved onto the middle seat. She pulled it and suddenly the whole seat came away revealing a gap that she could fit through to get into the back of the truck. She crawled through to see a rocket launcher just sat alone next to a large box which she assumed contained the rockets, she reached towards them when suddenly she heard a man's voice outside.
"Let's see what goodies you've got for me."
One of the doors swung open and Janie quickly hid behind the other as a man poked his head in and looked around, he grunted as he pulled himself up into the truck and approached the weapon. As he bent down to grab it, Janie took a fistful of his hair and yanked his head back before taking out her knife and sliding it deeply into his throat.
"Hey." She heard from behind her as she lowered the man slowly to the ground, she turned around to see Daryl climbing into the truck.
He picked up the rocket launcher and felt the weight of it in his hands.

The man lowered the two guns he had pointed at Sasha and Abraham and smiled kindly.
"I'm not gonna kill you." He said and Sasha exhaled deeply. "Wait, wait." The man spoke, his chin resting on his hand as if he were The Thinker. "You know what?" He asked, his eyes flicking between both of his guns. "Yes, I am." Suddenly there was a huge flash of light and all nine of the men burst into flames, the explosion knocking Sasha and Abraham onto the floor.

Night had fallen when the truck finally pulled up outside Alexandria and the sound of walker's growling woke Janie. She lifted her head off of Abrahams shoulder and smiled at him bashfully but he didn't smile back.
"Mother shit." He whispered looking ahead of him, Janie looked too to see part of the wall collapsed and walkers pouring through into the town.
Daryl started to reverse through the hole in the fence until he was backed all the way up to the lake. Then he jumped out of the truck and let the trucks gas spill into the water.
"Wanna do the honours?" He asked and Janie nodded. She climbed onto the roof of the truck and Daryl passed her the rocket launcher. She looked out at the herd of walkers and sudden noticed one with long brown hair that sweeped across its face, she squinted as she tried to get a closer look. "Now!" Daryl's yells echoed in her ears as she realised the walker wasn't who she thought it was. "Now!" She snapped back to reality and held the rocket launcher up, aiming at the lake, then she pulled the trigger and watched as it burst into flames and every walker around started walking towards it.

Janie stepped over a walker on the floor when suddenly she stopped and stared at two of the walkers that lay next to each other, her lip started to quiver. One of them was a woman with blonde hair, she was missing a hand, and one was a young boy. Jessie and Sam. She felt a hand on her shoulder but she didn't look away.
"Come on." Ricks voice spoke as he led her away from them, finally she looked up.
"Where's Ron?" She asked.
"He didn't make it." Rick stuttered.
"What about Carl?"

Janie followed Rick up the steps of the infirmary and watched as he opened the door. She stepped inside and looked over at Carl who was lay asleep in the bed, she furrowed her brow and inched closer to him to see a bandage covering his right eye.
"What happened?" She asked.
"He was shot." Enid replied from beside his bed.

- Princexiero xx

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