Chapter Fifty-Three: The Calm Before

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Janie studied the forest around her, the trees loomed over her and the moonlight shone through the cracks in the leaves. She shivered and wrapped her arms around her body, her pajamas weren't doing a good job at keeping her warm. Suddenly there was a chorus of growls coming from behind her, she spun around to see a herd of walkers slowly walking towards her. She had no weapon so all she could do was run. She turned back to see her mother lay on the floor, a pool of vomit at her feet. She stared in horror before noticing another body, her brother, Theo, his body littered with bullet holes.
"No." Janie whispered to herself as the wind blew her hair into her face and she heard a creak above her. Slowly, she looked up to see Alice hung from a tree above. A tear started to roll down Janie's cheek when suddenly a scream echoed around the forest. A scream that Janie recognised.
"Judith?" She yelled before taking off in a run towards the scream.
"Help me!" Judith continued to scream. "Janie! Help!"
The screams were getting louder and louder until suddenly they stopped and Janie did too. She doubled over and panted for a moment trying to get her breath back, then she looked in front of her. Connie was sprawled out on the forest floor, her body completely mutilated. Suddenly Connie's eyes opened and Janie jumped back in fear. Slowly her mouth opened too.
"Breach!" Connie yelled. "Breach!"
Janie had never heard Connie talk but her voice wasn't what she expected. Connie had a mans voice. She had Jerry's voice.

"Breach!" Jerry yelled and Janie's eyes opened and she sat up, sweat pouring down her face. "Breach! Walkers inside the walls!"
"Shit!" Janie panted as she jumped out of bed and ran outside. Walkers were pouring into Alexandria through a hole in the fence.

Janie held her knife up and started to stab the walkers in her path as others got to fixing the fence.
"Aaron!" Janie called, running towards him. "Where are the kids?"
"They're safe." Aaron replied. "They're in the basement."

Janie continued to kill the walkers as she made it to the basement. She ran down the steps and opened the door to see Judith sat in the corner, tears stained her cheeks and in her hands were two splintered pieces of wood. They both had blue hand prints on them, one bigger than the other.
"You and Carl made it?" Janie asked and Judith nodded.
"They got broken."
"Well, that's okay." Janie crouched down next to the young girl. "We can fix it."
"But he'll still be gone." Judith sniffed. "Everybody will and I'm worried I'll start to forget about them."
"I can't remember Carl's voice anymore and Rick's face is starting to go fuzzy but that doesn't mean I'll forget about them." Janie replied. "I'll always remember their kindness and what they did for people and how strong they were." She stood up and held her hand out. "Come on, I'll teach you how to use a hammer and we'll fix this."

"You like it?" Janie asked, holding up the fixed wooden sign. Judith nodded happily.
"Thank you." She said as Kelly approached them.
"Did you wanna look for Connie today?" She asked Janie.

"You wanna look near the cave?" Janie asked as they walked through the forest. Kelly nodded.
They were almost at the cave when they found a camp. A dead horse lay on the floor, flies buzzing around its head and a bite mark that revealed the horses rib cage. The ground was charred where a fire once was and next to it was a cooking pot and a notepad.
"That's Connie's notepad." Kelly said as she fell to her knees and opened it to the last written in page. On the page was scrawled writing, alot messier than Connie's usual hand.

Trapped with dead.
Walked with them for days.
No light.
No food.
Little water.
It's feels like we're being watched.
It's late.
We'll pack up at first light.

There was a sniff and Janie looked up to see Kelly crying. Janie wrapped her arms around her and rubbed her back gently.
"She was here." Janie spoke. "Magna told me not to give you false hope but it isn't false, Kelly. She was here. She's going to be nearby."

The pair continued walking through the forest and the ground started to get softer.
"Ahh!" Kelly screamed as she fell to the ground. Janie looked down to see that she was knelt in a large puddle of mud. Mud completely covering her hands and legs.
"Hahaha!" Janie doubled over as she laughed at Kelly's misfortune. Kelly reached out and grabbed Janie's ankle before tugging as hard as she could. Janie slipped and landed in the mud next to her and sighed in defeat.
Suddenly there was a rumble of thunder, it was getting dark and a storm was coming. They didn't have much time.
"We should head back." Janie said as the pair stood up.
"Can we look for five more minutes?" Kelly asked. "Please."

They continued to walk until the came to a clearing where a large, old house stood. Laying on the ground outside, covered in blood, was Connie.

- Princexiero xx

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