Chapter Twenty-Four: Suprise!

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Janie was woken by a loud knock on her bedroom door.
"I'm coming!" She called as she sat up and threw her dressing gown on. There was another, more aggressive knock. "I heard you the first time!"
She opened the door to see five men she didn't know stood there, it was very obvious who they were as they pushed past her and into her bedroom, they were Saviours. She watched as they emptied the clothes from her drawers and threw her covers from her bed onto the floor. She followed them outside to see Negan, Rick and Daryl all stood in front of a large van that the Saviours were loading everyone's stuff into. Daryl's brown hair fell limply over his dirty face, his eyes were dark and sunken and he wore a grey tracksuit with a large orange A spray painted on the chest.
"Don't talk to him." Rick whispered so she turned to Negan instead.
"Morning." Negan smiled, looking down at her messy hair, tired eyes and dressing gown.
"You said a week." She said sternly. "You're early."
"Suprise!" Negan replied, his smile suddenly turned into a frown. "I am truly sorry to hear about the widow." Janie looked to Rick in confusion. "She didn't make it."
"Yeah." Janie replied solemnly hanging her head.
"Number one, that was on me. No choice there." He said. "But number two, that didn't need to happen. Daryl here forced my hand."
Janie clenched her fist and Rick grabbed it to stop her from doing anything when suddenly there was a gunshot. It came from the house.

They found Carl in the kitchen pointing a gun at two Saviours.
"Carl." Rick spoke calmly. "Put it down."
"They're taking all of our medicine." He replied before turning to Negan. "You should go before you find out how dangerous we all are."
"Well pardon me young man but did you just threaten me?" Negan asked as Janie reached into her waistband and pulled out her own gun.
"Yeah he did." She said before pointing it at Negans head.
"Put them down." Rick spoke nervously. "Both of you."
"Stay out of this Rick." Negan replied before turning back to the two kids in front of him. "You know what happens when you cross me. You know what happened last time. And you know I'd happily do it again. Don't you?" They both sighed and lowered their weapons. "I'll take those."

Janie listened out for the sound of the Saviours trucks driving away and the gates closing before turning to Carl.
"We have to kill him."
"We have to kill all of them." Carl replied.
"I want my uncle back."
"What if we look for their base." Carl suggested.
"You can drive. Let's jump in a car and drive around for a bit, use Daryl's tracking skills."
Janie sighed.
"Okay then."

Janie and Carl climbed over the wall and jumped in the dark red car that was just on the other side. Janie hot wired it, (another skill taught to her by her dad) and they set off.

"My dad and Daryl used to disappear for weeks at a time." Janie spoke as they sped down the road.
"How come?" Carl asked.
"Drug dealing things." She sighed. "I don't know. I was always worried that one day they just wouldn't come back. I always heard on the news, drug related crimes. Daryl didn't even want to do it, he just went wherever Merle went-" Suddenly she pressed her foot down hard on the breaks and the car squealed  to a stop. Carl looked up to see Enid stood in front of the car, waving her hands above her head. Janie rolled the window down and leaned out of it.
"Did you follow us?" She asked and Enid nodded.
"I need to get to the Hilltop." She replied.
"Get in." Carl said. "We'll take you."

"Wait!" Carl yelled as they neared the Hilltop. "Stop!"
Janie looked towards the gates to see three of the Saviours trucks being loaded up with boxes of supplies.
"You go ahead." Janie whispered to Enid. "We'll see you later."

They waited for Enid to sneak into the Hilltop and then Janie and Carl walked towards one of the trucks.

Janie jumped in first and Carl followed before crouching behind a stack of boxes. They waited for the Saviours to finish loading up and finally the truck started to move.
"Hey, guys." A whisper came from another stack of boxes on the other side, the pair turned to see Jesus, crouched in the corner just like them. "What's the plan?"
Janie shrugged.
"We don't have one." Carl replied.
"Well I was gonna jump out when we're close and then break into their base." Jesus said. "You gonna join me."
"Erm sure." Janie stuttered. "You go first." She watched as Jesus stood on the edge of the truck, he waited a few seconds before jumping out and rolling onto the ground. "Don't follow him." Janie said to Carl. "It's a dumb idea."

It wasn't long before the truck came to a stop and Carl grabbed a machine gun out of one of the boxes.
"You stay here." Carl said. "I'll signal you when to come out."

"Let's get this shit unloaded." Janie could hear Negans muffled voice outside. She watched as a man jumped into the truck and Carl immediately sprayed bullets at him and some other men just outside.
"Stay back!" He yelled. "Drop your weapons!"
"Damn." Negan smiled. "You are adorable."
Dwight pulled him off of the truck and onto the floor before grabbing his gun and the knife from his belt. Then Negan helped him up and led him away.

Janie waited for all the Saviours to leave before jumping out of the truck and looking around. In front of her was a gigantic concrete building with big chimney stacks on top, a factory of some kind, surrounding it was a vast chainlink fence. Suddenly Janie felt something cold and hard pressing into her back, it felt like the barrel of a gun, she spun round to see a tall man with thinning hair and a large beer belly, he smiled to show three dull golden teeth. "Welcome to the Sanctuary, pipsqueak." He chuckled before grabbing her arms and dragging her towards the factory. She looked down at the Saviours that Carl had just killed and she recognised one of them, his blonde mullet and big black boots looked exactly the same as when she'd last seen them. "He was one of our best." The man said when he noticed her looking.
"Theo Dixon." She replied and he nodded.
"You knew him?"
"He's my brother." She replied.
"Yeah, well he's dead now."

- Princexiero xx

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