Chapter Fifty-Nine: Interrogation

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Day 46 in the Commonwealth
"A city wide sweep and capture is now in effect. The targets are new immigrants from the Virginia communities of Riverbend, Hilltop and Alexandria. Any known associates with Eugene Porter are to be brought in for questioning regarding the Founders' Day riot and the death of Sebastian Milton."

14 years earlier
"Hello?" Janie whispered into the telephone.
"Jane?" Her father whispered back. "Can your mum hear you?"
"No." She replied.
"There's a bag under my bed." Merle spoke. "I want you to hide it up your sleeve and bring it when you come to visit me."

Janie looked up at the sign above her, it read,
Fort Benning: please drive slowly
Her mother grabbed her collar to hurry her towards the soldier at the door, a large gun in his hand.
Anxiously, Janie followed her mother through the metal detector and, on the other side, a soldier grabbed her arm.
"Take your coat off please." He said sternly and Janie looked up at her mother for approval. She nodded. Slowly, Janie started to remove her coat hoping that the bag would stay in the sleeve. She held her breath and suddenly the bag dropped to the floor before the soldier picked it up and studied the pills inside.

"I thought they were sweets." Janie sobbed, she was put in a small room with a bright white light. The soldier across the table from her had been shouting at her, asking her why she brought the pills. "I thought my dad would want them." She continued to cry. "He's always telling me that all they feed him here is stew so I brought some sweets for him." She sniffed and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "Please don't send me to prison!"

"Janie Dixon, 928 Miller Street, Sector G4, currently employed at Dylan's Candy Bar, unmarried with no children. Can you verify this information to be true?" Mercer asked Janie.
"Sure." She replied.
"Where were you during the riot?" He asked and she stared at him across the table and crossed her arms.
"I've done this shit before you know." She said. "And I didn't crack."
Mercer looked down at the file in his hand before looking back up at her.
"You're twenty four years old." He said and she nodded. "You're telling me you got arrested at what, nine, ten." Janie just shrugged. "Who were you with during the riot?"
"There were alot of people there." She replied. "A whole crowd."
"Have you spoken to Eugene since the riot?" He asked.
"I've known Eugene for like eight years now and I've barely spoken to him." She replied and Mercer just glared at her. "So no, I haven't spoken to him since the riot."
Mercer closed his folder and sighed.
"I can see that I'm not going to get anywhere with you." He said and she smiled at him. "So I want you out of my sight now."

Janie looked in every direction before knocking on the door of Gabriel's church. It opened a crack to reveal Daryls face before opening fully.
"How'd it go?" He asked her and she shrugged, a smile creeping onto her face.
"That man's easy to annoy."
"We're gonna leave at dawn if we can get out." Daryl said as a door at the back of the church opened and Eugene timidly stepped out.
"You okay?" She asked him and he nodded.
"Better than I deserve."

Dawn came and Janie and Daryl left the church. They arrived at their apartment and opened the door to eerie silence.
"Jude!" Janie called. "RJ!"
The only noise that followed was Daryl opening the bathroom door, he looked inside before turning back to Janie and shaking his head. They were gone.

Back on the street they started to look for the kids but they knew it was unlikely they just wondered off, with everything happening recently, they were taken. It wasn't long before Carol found them, she looked distressed.
"They took the kids." Janie told her and Carol nodded.
"They took everyone." She said. "Rosita, Ezekiel, Kelly and Connie."

They followed Carol to Lance Hornsby's office. They snuck in behind him and Daryl held a knife up to his throat.
"Where'd they take the kids?" Daryl growled. "Our friends?"
"Either you tell us where they are or you're dead." Carol spoke and Lance gulped anxiously.
"I'll show you." He stuttered.

The trio followed him out of the city to a large field, down below was a road which they followed until they came to an old train station with guards walking the perimeter.
"This is it." Lance said. "We take the guards out and head for your friends."
"On what?" Janie scoffed. "A train?"
"Yes." Lance replied.
"Well now we know that, we don't need you anymore." Carol said.
"Wait, what?" Lance stuttered. "Of course you still need me. I...I.. -"
Daryl held his cross bow up and shot Lance in the chest, throwing him backwards.

- Princexiero xx

Janie's Got A Gun (A 'The Walking Dead' Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن