Chapter Thirty-Six: Queen Of The Saviours

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18 months later
"Hey." Janie yelled as she approached two Saviours stringing a walker up on a piece of wood next to the dry, dying corn field. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"Scaring the birds away." A girl with a blonde pixie cut replied. Janie raised her crossbow and shot the walker in the head before turning back to the Sanctuary and raising her radio to her mouth.
"Sanctuary to Alexandria Relay One. Come in."
"What's up." Tara's voice could be heard on the other end.
"The crops are fucked here and Daryl's requesting a run into the city." Janie replied.
"We meet at the rally point at dawn. Pass it on." Tara replied and the radio started to hiss.
"Copy that." Jesus's voice became clear.

Janie and Daryl arrived to the city on their motorbikes and entered a museum which a group of horses were sat outside of, telling them that everyone was already inside.
The museum had a white marble interior with thick pillars that connected the high ceilings and the frosted glass floor that looked into the basement of the museum which was crawling with walkers. The place was relatively clean and untouched apart from a thick layer of dust that coated every surface and the spider webs that hung from the ceiling.
"Over here." A voice called from the grand staircase in front of them. The pair looked up to see Rick weilding an axe.
They made it to the top of the stairs to find Cyndie, a member of Oceanside. She was staring at an old boat.
"You need help with that?" Daryl asked her and she looked up quickly as if he had interrupted a day dream.
"Yeah. Sure." She replied her voice breaking slightly.
"You alright?" He asked her and she nodded.
"Just thinking about my brother." She replied.
Daryl just nodded, he knew exactly what she felt, but his train of thought was stopped when he heard Janie's voice.
"Ugly... ugly... meh."
He looked over to see her looking at a large board that showed evolution, in the first picture was a monkey and in the last was a man and in between that were various monkey-man hybrids.
"What are you doin'?" He asked her and quickly she stepped away from the board.
"Come 'ere and help then."

By the end of their trip they acquired the boat, a plow, hierloom seeds and a carriage that could be drawn by horses.

"Rick Grimes is here." A Saviour shouted as they entered the Sanctuary, on their journey back they discovered the bridge to get to Alexandria and the Hilltop was completely broken. They'd all have to stay here for the night. "That's the man that ended the war."
"Is Negan suffering?" Another Saviour asked. "I hope he damn well is."
"Alright." Janie addressed them all as Eugene approached her and Daryl. "Quiet down."
"All was well in your absence." Eugene spoke. "Other than a certain cabal of Saviours slinging me some serious stink-eye. I've compiled a list of items that need your semi-immediate attention."
"Not now, man." Daryl replied as Laura, a former Saviour walked with them.
"I checked out the supplies. Its a pretty good haul, you should let everybody know."
"I ain't getting up on a stage and giving a damn speech like him." Daryl yelled as Janie walked ahead and checked out the factory floor.
On one of the walls she found writing that read.

We Are Still Negan

She sighed and turned to a Saviour who was sat nearby.
"Justin! Clean that up!"
"How?" The beak nosed, long haired man asked as he looked up from the book he was reading.
"What do you mean how? Paint over it." She replied.
"We just used up all the paint." He replied calmly.
"Figure it out!" She yelled and Justin nodded and threw his book down in frustration.

That night Janie and her uncle sat on the balcony looking across the arid crops.
"I don't want to be here anymore." She said as Daryl lit the cigarette in her hand.
"Neither." He replied.
"I can't remember the last time I felt like I could breath properly." She continued. "It's like a permanent panick attack. And everytime I close my eyes I see that guy, and that cell he put me in and-"
"I know." Daryl interrupted her. "We'll go back to Hilltop. To Maggie and the baby."
"Aren't you a bit too young to smoke." A voice spoke from behind them, they turned around to see Carol.
"What's it gonna do?" Janie asked. "Kill me?"
"Why aren't you in bed?" Daryl asked her and she shrugged as she sat down next to them.
"I don't sleep." She replied. "Ezekiel, on the other hand, sleeps like a baby."
"I bet he snores all fancy too." He said making Janie laugh. "Nah, he's alright."
"Well I'm glad I have your approval." Carol said.

Work on the bridge started quickly and they set up a camp in the woods to make transporting the supplies easier.

"Jane!" Enid called from the infirmary. "Want me to check out your shoulder."
Janie sat down on the zed bed and rolled up her sleeve to reveal her healed gunshot wound.
"Ouch." She said as Enid squeezed the spot and pale yellow pus oozed out. "It did that the other day."
"I know it's hard out here but you've got to keep it clean." Enid said as she wiped the pus away with a tissue. "It will never heal properly otherwise." Suddenly there was noise and commotion outside, Janie turned to see Rick supporting Aaron as they made their way to the infirmary. "You have to leave." Enid said to her as they got closer and Janie realised that Aaron's arm was completely mangled all the way to his elbow.

"What's going on?" Janie asked Daryl as she left the tent. His breathing was heavy and his face bright red.
"Aaron's arm got crushed because Justin didn't redirect the heard." He said, steam practically coming from his ears.
"When I see that asshole I'm gonna- and he pushed Henry over."
"He's eleven!" Janie exclaimed and Daryl nodded as he moved his weight from one foot to the other.
"These Saviours ain't ever gonna change." He continued. "I told Rick and he didn't believe me." Daryl suddenly stopped talking and stood still, he wasn't looking at Janie anymore, he was looking passed her. She turned around to see Justin talking to some Saviours. Daryl stepped forward and grabbed the back of his shirt before pulling him to the ground. Once he was there Janie started to kick him in the stomach and ribs. Finally she stopped and Justin started to stand up before Daryl swung his fist and hit the Saviour in the face, sending him to the ground once again. Daryl grabbed his shirt and continued punching him until his face was bleeding and his nose was a completely different shape. As he did Janie put her foot down hard on his only free hand so that he couldn't use it.
"Daryl stop!" Carol yelled from behind him. "Daryl!" Finally she grabbed him and pulled him away. "We'll deal with him just not like this."
"There's only one way to deal with these assholes." Daryl replied before looking at Janie. "Come on."
She took her foot off of his hand and spat on the floor next to his head and started to walk away but I group of Saviours nearby started to laugh.
"You got beat by a kid and a girl in the same day." One of them said as they all continued to laugh and point at Justin

- Princexiero xx

Janie's Got A Gun (A 'The Walking Dead' Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя