Chapter Fifty-Eight: Corrupt

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Day 45 in the Commonwealth
"I've called this emergency meeting." Rosita spoke. "Because it has come to my attention that the Commonwealth isn't exactly rainbows and butterfly's like we all originally thought. Daryl and I were sent on a suicide mission, our kids were threatened if we didn't."
"They did the same to Gabriel and Aaron." Magna said.
"Eugene's friend, Stephanie," Rosita continued, "She's a spy. She was telling all of Eugene's personal information to Hornsby."
"Because of what happened to Tyler Davis, me and Connie have been looking into potential neglect to the workers." Kelly added.
"There's been rumours of mysterious disappearances, people going missing and never showing up again." Janie said and Kelly nodded.
"Those rumours are true."
"They're not going to rebuild Alexandria unless Hilltop and Oceanside join their forces." Rosita spoke. "Obviously Maggie's not up for that and Rachel won't do anything without Maggie's go ahead."
"Max is on our side." Eugene said. Finally some good news. "She's trying to get into Milton's files as we speak."
"And Connie and Kelly can get all of this in the newspapers." Janie said and suddenly the door opened. Max entered smiling.
"I just got recordings of Pamela's son, Sebastian Milton." She said. "He basically confessed to everything."

Over the next few days newspapers were printed and protestors filled the streets. They wanted the truth.
The intercom crackled and the protestors fell quiet as Pamela's Milton's voice became clear.
"What you're reading is lies." She spoke. "It's all anti-goverment propaganda made to-"
Pamela's voice was interrupted by more crackling and high pitched feed back and finally Max's recording of Sebastian started.
"The Commonwealth is built on buying into bullshit."
"The reality is that the poor stay poor so the rich can do whatever the hell we want."
"My mom handpicks the lottery winners."
"It's a frigging joke."
"People who want the truth are just too stupid to see it."
"It's pathetic."
"They're pathetic."

As the crowd started to protest again, Commonwealth soldiers and police started to approach, spraying pepper spray, throwing smoke grenades and arresting people.
"Kelly!" Janie yelled over the noise as they weaved through the crowd, dodging the police. "Stay close to me!"
Suddenly there was a blood curdling scream, Janie spun around to see that walkers had managed to get in and the were stumbling up the highstreet. She turned back to see that Kelly was gone, she must have got lost in the crowd.
"Shit." Janie panted as she scanned the area.
"Janie!" A voice spoke from behind her, she turned to see Daryl. "I've lost Judith."
"Fuck." Janie whispered. "I'll help you find her."

The pair ran to the edge of the street where the crowd was more spread out, then Janie climbed up onto her uncle's shoulders and looked over the crowd.
"Aha!" She yelled as her eyes landed on a young, brunette girl. "Judith!" She called and the girl looked around for the source of the noise. "Judith!" She repeated. "I'm over here!"
Finally Judith spotted her and ran towards them as Janie was lowered to the ground.
A high pitched scream echoed around the streets and the trio looked beside them. Just metres away was Sebastian Milton, he was being devoured by walkers and next to him was Eugene watching the scene unfold.

- Princexiero xx

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