Chapter Sixty-Three: I Love You

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"Wine?" Yumiko asked.
"Yes please."
Janie and Kelly replied.
Yumiko filled their glasses before stepping back to her seat.
"Hey, everybody." She said and everyone looked up from their hearty dinners and conversation. "A toast to Luke."
"To Luke." Everone said in unison, raising their glasses before going back to their food.
"Kelly." Janie whispered and Kelly looked up and smiled. "I... I just wanted to say, I love you." Janie spoke, signing her words.
"I love you too." Kelly whispered back as they stared into each others eyes for a moment before gently pushing their foreheads together.

"I'm sorry." Janie spoke."Can you give me one second."
Janie walked over to Judith who was trying to pour herself a glass of water but struggling because her arm was in a cast.
"Need some help?" She asked and Judith nodded before looking at the table, a frown forming on her face. "What's wrong?"
Judith straightened out her posture so she could reach Janie's ear.
"Rosita was bitten." She whispered.
Janie furrowed her brow and looked across the table where Rosita was sat, holding Gabriel's hand and stroking his palm with her thumb, a tears was rolling down her cheek.

After dinner everyone helped Rosita into bed next to Coco and one by one people came in to say their goodbyes.
"I'll see you soon, okay." Janie said as she pulled out of Rositas arms and smiled at her.
"I don't think you will." She replied.

One Year Later
"- and on this day, we honour those who have sacrificed for us. That we may pursue a more perfect union. And though we are not bonded by blood, we are family. As your Governor, I and your Lieutenant Governor, Michael Mercer pledge to live by those words."
Ezekiel stepped back as applaud erupted from the seats in front of his stage.

"Cheers." Janie said raising her glass and Kelly, Connie, Yumiko and Magna did the same. "To family."
"To family."
Janie felt a tap on her shoulder and looked over to see Connie pointing at her watch.
"Shit you're right." She said before turning to the rest of the group. "Daryl will be leaving now so we're gonna go say goodbye to him." She then turned to Kelly. "I'll see you at home." She said before stroking Kelly's cheek with her thumb and kissing her.

How's work? Connie signed as they headed to the gate where Daryl would be meeting them.
It's really good. I'm hoping to be promoted to Corporal soon. What about you. Janie signed back.
Amazing. Just keeping the administration honest. Connie replied before pointing ahead of them at Daryl who was sat on his bike waving at them.

"I almost left without you." He said and Connie slapped him gently on the arm.
I'll see you soon, cowboy. She signed before hugging him and stepping backwards to let Janie speak to him.
"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" He asked her. "This is your last chance."
"No, dad. I have to stay here with Kelly." At the end of her sentence her eyes widened in realisation at what she had just said.
"Dad?" Daryl asked chuckling.
"I didn't mean to say that." Janie laughed and he shook his head.
"Nah, it's cool."
Janie sighed before smiling at him.
"Take care of yourself." She said. "You're getting old now and-"
"Shut up!" He interrupted her before pushing her playfully.
"Seriously though." She said. "Stay safe, don't lose your way."
Janie hugged her uncle and he kissed her on the forhead before she stood back and he started up his bike. She watched as the gates opened and he rode off into the distance.
"I love you!" She called after him and he held his hand up, signing I love you.

- Princexiero xx

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