Chapter Fourteen: Off Route

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A week had passed since Pete's death and a meeting was called about a herd of walkers in a quarry nearby.
"Now what I'm proposing," Rick spoke, "I know it sounds risky but walkers are already slipping through the exits."
"Me and Jane will lead them away." Daryl grunted.
"Are you sure she'll be safe on the bike?" Aaron asked,
"I could drive a car." Janie suggested.
"You can drive?" Glenn asked and she nodded before narrowing her eyes at him.
"My dad taught me." She boasted.

Three Years Earlier
Merle got out of the car and slammed the door shut before heading towards the bar, Janie followed.
They entered the bar which was inside a large log cabin. Inside there was a band playing country music in the corner and behind the bar hung a confederate flag.
"Whiskey please darling." Merle said to the bartender, a woman with tattooed eyebrows and a low cut top revealing her large, fake breasts. "You want a drink, Jane?" He asked her and she shook her head.
She looked around and noticed a man approaching them, he was pale and skinny and his skin hung loosely off of his bones. He winked at Janie and smiled revealing half of his teeth to be missing. Janie grimaced as he pulled something from his pocket and tapped Merle on the shoulder.
"Martin!" He exclaimed as he reached into his own pocket and pulled out a wad of money, each note curling at the edges. Martin handed Merle two plastic baggies, one containing a white powder and one containing several light pink pills.

An hour later and Janie tugged on Merle's sleeve.
"Dad, can we leave now?" She asked and he held his finger up as he finished his drink. He slammed the glass down onto the bar and smiled.
"Let's go."
"Want me to call a taxi?" Janie asked as the pair stood up from their bar stalls and Merle kissed the bar tender goodbye.
"Taxi?" Merle asked as he pulled on his combat jacket. "Why would we need a taxi."
"You're drunk." Janie replied and Merle thought for a second before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the car keys.
"Well you drive then." He smiled as he tossed her the keys. "Here, I'll teach you."

"She'll be safe on the bike." Daryl replied.
"I'll take a car and help." Sasha said.
"I'll go with her." Abraham mumbled.
"All right." Rick said. "Everyone else will be near the forest managing it."

"I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world." Rick yelled over the sound of walkers growling. "We have to come for them before they come for us." He looked behind him at the quarry which was full up with walkers. "This is where it all starts tomorrow." Suddenly a large crash echoed around the cliffs.
"You see that." Sasha yelled, pointing at the boulders that were rolling into the quarry.
"It's open!" Rick shouted. "We have to do this now!"
Daryl ran to his bike and started revving the engine as Janie climbed on the back, she wrapped her arms around his torso and they took off. As they did, Janie looked behind her to see hundreds of walkers slipping through the crack.

They were riding slowly so the walkers could follow behind when the radio in Janie's hand crackled and Sasha's voice became clear.
"We're at red at the bottom of the hill."
"You hear that?" Janie asked Daryl.
"Here comes the parade." She replied into the radio.

They came over a hill and the rusty red car that Sasha and Abraham were in, came into sight, they pulled out in front of the bike and helped lead the herd.

They approached a wall made of corrugated metal and cars which was put up to direct the herd and stop it from going of path. Three flares shot up from behind it indicating that Rick, Michonne and Morgan were there and ready to kill any walker that got out of line.

They passed the wall successfully and everything was going to plan when Janie looked behind her.
"Shit." She muttered.
"What is it?" Daryl asked.
"We've got some walkers trailing off." She replied looking ahead again to see Abraham getting out of the car, he ran to the walkers that were heading for the forest and swiftly killed them before getting back in the car.
"Idiot." Janie chuckled but suddenly her face dropped. A horn had started blaring and it was coming from Alexandria. She looked behind her to see the walkers veering off the road once again towards the noise.
"Shit!" She screamed before grabbing the radio. "Rick!"
"I'm here." He panted.
"What the fuck is going on?"
"I don't know." He replied. "We'll deal with the herd, you carry on."
Daryl slowed right down to a crawl and looked back at Janie.
"Jump off." He said.
"Do the fifteen miles with Sasha and Abraham." He said. "I'll circle back and get the rest of the herd."
"But Rick said -"
"Do it!" Daryl shouted in her face.
Janie swung her leg over the bike so she was sat sideways and quickly jumped onto the road, then she ran to the car, opened the back door and climbed in, as she did the horn stopped.
"Holy bitch!" Abraham exclaimed.
"I'm with you guys now." Janie said as she relaxed in her seat.

15 miles later and the car was finally going over ten miles per hour, it was finally time to return home. Suddenly Sasha ducked, there were bullets flying everywhere. Janie looked behind her to see a car following them with people shooting from the windows.
"Go!" She yelled.
"Have you seen this piece of junk, I'm trying!" Sasha yelled back. The back windscreen suddenly smashed and shards of glass covered Janie. Sasha stopped the car round a corner and they jumped out weilding their guns. They shot at the car that was following them until it came to a stop and all the passengers were dead.
"Daryl, you copy?" Sasha spoke into her radio but all she got in return was static. "Daryl?"
"You alright?" Abraham turned to Janie and she nodded.
"Hunky dory." She replied sarcastically as she gasped for air.

After looking around the trio realised they were in a small town, not a nice town either, it was full of exposed brick buildings and hardware stores, the type of place that Janie's grandad would go to pick up fishing gear.
They entered a building full of modern offices, there were large windows letting in light and looking out onto the street and big square computers on every desk.
"Take watch or sleep?" Sasha asked Abraham.
"I'll take watch." Janie replied and Sasha turned to her.
"You're sleeping."
"I'll take watch." Abraham replied.

Janie lay down with the radio in front of her incase Daryl said anything. She didn't know how well she'd sleep what with the light coming through the window, the shards of glass digging into her neck, the carpet that felt like velcro and the intrusive thoughts that flicked through her mind, images of Daryl being devoured by a walker or being used for target practise.

After an hour of on and off sleep Janie finally decided to give up, instead she stood up and joined Sasha who was staring out of the window in silence.
"Look at this." Abraham said. The pair turned around to see him beeming in an extremely smart officers uniform decorated in badges and medals and looked like it was tailored just for him. Janie looked at him for a second before stamping her foot down so it was in line with the other and saluting at him.
"You're pretty good at that." He laughed.
"My dad was in the army." She replied before jumping at a noise outside, the three of them looked out of the window to see a large truck coming to a stop right outside the building they were in, the door opened and Daryl jumped out.

Everyone ran downstairs and outside and Janie jumped into her uncle's arms.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Some assholes kidnapped me." He replied. "Took my bike."

- Princexiero xx

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