Chapter Three: Butcher Shop

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Janie tapped her booted foot on the floor at the same pace as the footsteps she could hear outside, as they neared the train carriage, the footsteps stopped and so did Janie. Everyone stood up as a hatch in the roof above them opened, there was mumbled chatter above them and a small object was dropped through. It clattered to the floor and everyone slowly stepped towards it, on closer inspection it seemed to be a cannister.

"Move!" Abraham yelled and everyone stepped backwards against the walls as the canister rattled before exploding into a cloud of thick smoke. Janie heard the door slide open and two people get dragged out.
"Daryl." She called before coughing uncontrollably, she reached out and felt his arm in front of her. She held on to him but suddenly he started to get dragged away too and, before she could do anything, she was unconscious.

Janie opened her eyes slowly and looked around at the others who were starting to wake up. Daryl, Rick, Glenn and Bob were missing.
"So." The woman with dreadlocks, who Janie learned was called Michonne, said from beside her. "Merle's your dad, huh?"
"Yeah." Janie nodded. "You knew him?"
"Unfortunately." She smiled and Janie laughed slightly. "But if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know Rick and everyone." Janie nodded in an uninterested manner as she looked around the room. She met eyes with Carl, the boy wearing a sherrifs hat, he smiled at her but her frown didnt faulter making him look away nervously. "I'm guessing he wasn't the best dad to you." Michonne continued. "If you ever want to talk about -"
"I'm fine." Janie interrupted her bluntly. She didn't need someone to pretend to know what she was going through.
Suddenly there was an explosion outside, shaking the train carriage and a bright light seeped through the cracks of the room.
"What the hell is going on?" Abraham asked and Janie stood up and walked over to the door.
"Someone hit them." Michonne said as Janie started to kick and punch the metal.
"Maybe our people got free." Sasha suggested.
"Hey." Carl said as he walked over to Janie, he lightly tried pulling her arm away. "My dad's gonna be back. They all are." Janie turned around and stared at him.
"Your dad's probably dead."
She quickly put her ear up to the door and raised her hand signalling everyone to be quiet. The room fell silent and Janie let herself focus on the noise outside. It was walkers growling. She kept listening and soon she heard several gunshots and the walkers thuds as they hit the floor. She gestured to the others to move back and they all did, Janie joined them as they waited for what would happen next.

The door slid open to reveal Rick holding a machine gun, it was hard to see who the figures were behind him because of the smoke but the groans and slow walking suggested walkers.
"Come on!" He yelled. "Fight to the fence!"
Everyone jumped out and used whatever sharp object they had on hand to fight the walkers. Janie knelt down and picked up a large rock with jagged edges and when she stood up, Daryl was stood in front of her.
"You alright?" He asked her as he caught his breath back, she nodded before cracking a nearby walkers skull open.
"What happened?" She asked him. "Where did they take you?"
"They were slaughterin' people." He replied as they ran towards the fence. "When we escaped I found this room. It was weird, like a butchers shop but with people. I think they were gonna eat us."
Janie thought about the mystery meat she had eaten when she had first arrived at Terminus and shuddered.
"Give me a leg up."

They had been walking through the forest for a couple of minutes in silence when Daryl caught up to Janie. She had been picking up sticks and breaking them over her knee before throwing them over her shoulder causing everyone behind her to duck to avoid being hit.

"Hey." Daryl said.
"I know what happened to your mom." He said and she looked at him. "I saw her."
"You went back to the house?" She asked and he nodded.
"I was lookin' for you."
"She ran out of drugs, started goin' through withdrawal." She replied. "I went out on a run to find some more and when I got back she was dead."
"I'm sorry." Daryl said.
"Then why did you leave?" She asked angrily.
"Me and Merle, we were lookin' for supplies just outside of Atlanta and we found this camp." He said. "Merle said we should try to get close to them and then rob them. I told him we had to go back to you guys but he said he didn't care." Daryl replied before putting his arm around her. "What have you been doin'."
"Nothin'." Janie replied. "Just survivin'."
"So no sob story that would excuse you wearin' my vest." Daryl replied and she laughed. "You ain't keepin' it."
"Cry about it."
Daryl laughed and pushed her playfully but then suddenly he stopped and just stared out in front of him. Janie looked up to see an older woman with short grey hair and a large gun strapped to her back. She watched as Daryl ran over to her and hug her so tightly her feet started to lift from the ground. Everyone else stared in disbelief as they started to approach the woman and Daryl pulled away.
"Janie!" He called excitedly. "Come 'ere." Janie walked over apprehensively and the woman smiled at her. "This is Carol." He said to her. "This is my niece, Janie."

Carol told everyone to follow her, the walk wasn't long and they ended up outside a small, wooden cottage just on the edge of the forest. As they got closer, Janie noticed a large, dark skinned man holding a baby stood outside of it. Rick, Carl and Sasha ran to them instantly.
"Who are they?" Janie asked Daryl.
"That's lil ass-kicker." He pointed at the baby. "Rick's daughter."
"Her name's Judith." He replied. "And that's Tyreese, Sasha's brother."

- Princexiero xx

Janie's Got A Gun (A 'The Walking Dead' Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum