Chapter Thirty-Three: Gone Soft

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The sun was starting to set when Daryl and Janie made it back to Alexandria and a clanging starting echoing around the town, coming from the wall. Suddenly there was a squeal of feedback.
"You may be wondering why the hell your lookouts didn't sound the alarm." Negans voice called from the other side of the wall through a megaphone. "See, we are polite. I don't know when they're gonna wake up from that kind of shock, but they should wake up. You lose. It's over. You're gonna line up in front of your little houses and you're gonna work up some apologies and then the person with the lamest one is gonna get killed. Then I kill Rick in front of everybody and then we move on. You got three minutes to open this gate before we start bombing the shit out of you."

"You need to make it look like we're escaping out back." Carl said. "Get to the woods, halfway to the quarry and cut the lights. Get enough of a lead on them, hit them and get away on foot."
"We can't just let them have this place." Michonne said angrily.
"We can." Carl replied. "This is my plan and we're gonna do it."
"Carl!" Janie exclaimed and he looked at her. "I love that you're taking control."
"Thanks." He smiled. "Now go!"

Daryl and Janie got back in the truck and everyone else followed in their own vehicles. Daryl set off down the road towards the back of Alexandria and as soon as the wall came into sight he put his foot down and they smashed right through it leaving a path for the cars behind them. Janie looked in her wing mirror to see a group of cars catching up to them.
"Saviours on our tail." She spoke and Daryl grunted in acknowledgement.
He pulled over and the other vehicles followed before everyone jumped out and ran behind the trees nearby.
"Hey Daryl." Tara spoke and he nodded. "They didn't get out because of what we did with the truck."
"Even if they did..." Janie added. "It was just a mistake."
"I made one too." Rosita said. "If I hadn't gone to the Sanctuary to kill Negan maybe Sasha would still be alive. Maybe she would've gone herself. Maybe everything would've ended up going exactly the same way."
"Where the hell are they?" Michonne asked and just then the sound of cars got louder. The girls raised their guns as Daryl threw a smoke grenade out into the road.
"Now!" Daryl yelled as the Saviours cars stopped right in front of them and everyone started to shoot. It was hard to see anything but Janie could hear groans and thuds as the Saviours were getting hit. Soon it went silent and a voice called from the other side of one of the cars.
"It's over!"
The group ran over with their guns risen to Dwight, sat on the floor clutching his arm, he kicked his gun towards them in surrender.
"I made sure you guys could get out the back." He said. "I drove the convoy right up to the road block. I knew what it was." Daryl lowered his gun. "I can't go back. One of them got away. She's gonna tell them."
"How'd they get out?" Daryl asked. "Was it what I did?" Dwight didn't answer for a second, instead biting at his lip and twiddling his thumbs.
"It was Eugene."

As the group neared Alexandria they could hear explosions and the sky above was glowing bright orange through the thick smoke that rose into the air.
Daryl lifted off a manhole cover just outside the walls and they all lowered themselves in. Inside was Rick, Judith and a brown skin man with neatly parted hair. Opposite them sat Carl, his skin was white and glistening and his shirt was soaked through with sweat. Janie shook her head and knelt down next to him as he lifted his shirt up to reveal a bite on his stomach. Janie just continued to shake her head as a tear fell down her cheek and onto her lips.
"No." She whispered. "This isn't what's meant to happen."
"I wasn't sure you'd make it back before..." He panted as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of letters. "I wanted to make sure I was able to say goodbye."
"How did it happen?" Michonne asked, her voice breaking as she did.
"I was bringing someone back. His name's Siddiq, he's a doctor." He looked over at Janie who was now glaring at Siddiq like it was his fault. "Janie don't. For once in your life."
"I'm sorry." Janie sobbed.

Michonne and Rick helped Carl onto a zed bed so he could lay down, he was getting weaker by the second.
"Is that better?" Michonne asked as he got his breath back.
"Yeah. Thanks."
A large explosion went off and dirt started to fall from the ceiling, Michonne looked up at it before standing up and walking to Dwight.
"Make it stop!" She yelled as she grabbed him by the collar.
"I can't." He said calmly.
"We need to get everyone to Hilltop." Rosita spoke.
"Are you sure that's the best plan?" Dwight asked. "All of you in one place, together."
"All of us in one place, together." Daryl confirmed as he bounced Judith in his arms. "We'll be their worst damn nightmare."

Janie sobbed as she stroked Carl's hair.
"I'm gonna miss you." She said. "You're my best friend."
"You've gone soft." Carl replied smiling. "I though you were badass." She laughed through her tears.
"Look what you've done to me."
Carl chuckled and placed his hand on her shoulder but she quickly pulled it away.
"What's wrong." He whispered and she shook head. "Were you shot?"
"Please don't tell anyone." She whispered back.
"Siddiq's a doctor." Carl continued. "He can help you."
"Please." Janie repeated.

Suddenly the place fell silent and they could hear the vehicles driving away.
"We need to go now." Daryl whispered into Janie's ear. "You gotta say goodbye."
She nodded and turned to Carl.
"I love you, Carl." She said as she wiped away her tears and smiled at him.
"I love you too, Jane." He replied as she leant over and kissed him on the forehead.
"I'll see you soon."
She stood up and turned to Rick who looked more broken than she had ever seen him, his eyes were glassy and bloodshot and his whole body was shaking. She pulled him into a tight hug and didn't let him go until Daryl was pulling her away.

- Princexiero xx

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