Chapter Fifty-Four: The Storm

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The storm hit Alexandria hard and parts of the wall fell once again. A team was sent out to fix it before the walkers got in and Janie stayed behind to protect the house they were all staying in.

"We need more boards." Lydia said as Rosita nailed wooden planks to the windows.
"Use the furniture." Janie replied. "Aaron will understand."
Lydia nodded and walked towards the dining room. Suddenly there was a scream. Janie spun around to see a walker at one of the windows, its arm reaching through a gap between the board, it hand was clutching Gracies hair. As Janie pulled out her knife, Judith came running in with her sword held high, she cut the walkers arm off before stabbing it in the head.
"You okay?" Janie asked and Gracie nodded as she got her breath back. Janie smiled before turning back to the window where a group of walkers were stood, trying to reach in.
"Rosita!" She called. "I think there's another breach."
Rosita nodded and grabbed a machete from the table.
"What are you doing?" Lydia asked.
"Buying us time." Rosita replied. "Close the door behind me and keep it closed."
Lydia nodded and opened the front door and Rosita stepped out into the rain, then she closed the door and joined everyone at the window to watch Rosita slaughter every walker around her. After a few minutes she stepped back inside again, only more out of break and rain soaked than when she left.
"Everyone, upstairs now!" She yelled.

As everyone got upstairs there was a loud bang telling them that the door had swung open, walkers were probably piling into the house at that very moment.
"I know what to do." Gracie said and everyone turned to her as she held up a small whistle that was hung on a piece of string around her neck. She held it up to her lips and blew and a loud, high pitched noise came from it.
"Stop." Rosita whispered. "You're drawing more walkers in."
Gracie continued blowing her whistle until there was another bang and the door swung open again. The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard entering the house, along with grunts and groans and then thuds that shook the floor slightly. Everyone ran out onto the landing to see the walkers all dead and Aaron, Kelly, Connie, Magna, Carol and Jerry all getting their breath back and wiping off their weapons.

The rain started to die down and everyone stepped out of their houses to see something that wasn't there before. In the middle of Alexandria was a large cart full of fresh fruit and vegetables and beside it was Daryl, Maggie and everyone else who had gone on the mission to get their food back from the Reapers.
"Jane!" Daryl yelled and Janie took off in a run towards him. She jumped into his arms and he lifted her up off of the ground for a moment before placing her back on her feet and tucking loose hair behind her ear.
"What happened?" She asked. "Did you get them?" Daryl nodded and looked at his feet. "What happened?"
"They found us before we found them." He replied. "They killed Alden, most of Maggie's crew. And I saw Leah again."
"What?" Janie asked.
"She was with them." He said. "They're her family, apparently. I built up her trust again, made her family like me and then I helped Maggie get in. Killed them all... except-"
"Leah." Janie replied for him and he nodded.
"I let her go." He said.
Janie looked at the floor for a moment not sure what to say when a smile suddenly crept onto her face.
"While you were gone." She said as Daryl looked around at his surroundings. "We found-"
"Connie!" He said, his eyes lit up as he watched his friend walking towards him. He pulled her into a hug before signing to her, happy to see you.

"Hey!" Jerry yelled from the wall. "Got something coming!"
Daryl and Janie grabbed their crossbows and climbed up the watchtower to see an army of people all in white and red plastic armour.
"What the fuck?" Janie whispered as the people pulled out their weapons.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait." A mans voice rapidly spoke from among them. Suddenly Eugene appeared. "They're here to help." He said.

"Ezekiel, Yumiko and I set out on a journey. Charged ourselves with finding hope in our darkest of days. Suffice to say we hit the proverbial jackpot. It's probably best that I step aside, so y'all can hear it from the horses mouth, as it were. I give you Mr. Lance Hornsby, diplomatic representative of the Commonwealth."
Eugene stepped aside as a young man with neatly parted hair, wearing a three piece suit took his place. The man smiled genuinely but not warmly.
"Hello." He said. "I'm Lance. Thank you for allowing us into your home. I am impressed with everything you've built here and what I've heard of your other communities. But it's clear you've fallen on hard times and that is where the Commonwealth is more than willing to help. We can provide labour, materials to help you build back all you've lost or, a more interesting offer, you can all pack up and move to the Commonwealth itself."

- Princexiero xx

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