Chapter Nine: Clean

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The next morning Maggie and Sasha went out on a walk and returned with a man, he had short curly hair, wore a blue and white plaid shirt and had a kind face. There was something wrong about him though, Janie thought atleast, he was too clean. His hair was freshly cut, his body freshly showered and his clothes freshly ironed.
"This is Aaron." Maggie said as they entered the barn and suddenly twelve guns were pointed at his face. "We met him outside, he's by himself." She continued as Daryl patted him down aggressively. "We took his weapons and his gear."
"Hi." Aaron spoke. "It's nice to meet you."
"He has a camp nearby." Sasha said. "He wants us to audition for membership."
Aaron started to describe his community in elaborate detail, he even pulled out photographs for Rick to look through.
"You got a PowerPoint presentation for us too?" Janie asked sarcastically before spitting at his feet but Aaron didn't even flinch he just chuckled at her joke.
"If its not words or pictures, what would it take to convince you that this is real?" Aaron asked the group but everyone stayed silent. "What if I drove you to the community?" There was a beat as Rick thought of his answer.
"I'll check out the cars." Michonne said as Rick sighed loudly and turned to her.
"There aren't any cars."
"What if there are?" Maggie asked.
"Your way's too dangerous." Rick said to them both.
"And passing up a safe place for Judith isn't?" Michonne asked. "We're all going. Somebody say something if they feel differently." Everyone nodded and Janie stepped forward.
"I'm stayin' here." She said. "Me and Daryl." She looked over at her uncle who was narrowing his eyes at her and shaking his head.
"I'm goin' with them." He said. "And I'm not lettin' you stay here."
"You can't stop me?" She replied. "You don't own me."
"I do actually." Daryl replied sternly. "So get your ass over here."
"You're not my dad." Janie scoffed. "You never will be."
"I'm fuckin' glad!" Daryl shouted. "Now come!"
"What?" She asked, a look of disbelief on her face. "You'll have to make me."
"Fine." Daryl grunted before bending down and wrapping his arms around her ankles, then he lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder as she kicked his chest as hard as she could. "Light work." He said, she clawed at his back, lifting his shirt slightly to reveal the deep scars that covered his back. She looked at them for a moment before squealing in defeat and relaxing in his arms.
"We're going." Rick said with a slight smile.

- Princexiero xx

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