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Justin and I walked into the party to see twenty girls crowd around him asking all kinds of question and some crying. I tell him I'm going to get a drink but I'm really going to find friends because its not fun around those girls.... then again two weeks ago I would have done the same thing.

Right as I get into the living room I see BAMMMM LB and some guy I think fin one of the harries twins but I can't get a good look at his face but they were making out right there. so I walk into the kitchen to see Kian all sad and stuff so I go up to him and saw " I saw, I'm sorry!"

"It's my fault for not telling her my feelings!" he said frown like he was about to cry. Come on we're aren't going to stay here. I said grabbing his hand squeezing it letting him know I wasn't going to let him cry!! As we walk out I notice Justin doesn't even see me leave because of the fans engulfing him.

we walk to the closest park and we sit on the swing and he tells me all about LB and I tell him about how Justin and I never can spend time in public because of fans. We talk hours on till finally Kian says " you know Sam really likes you......"


Cameron and I are grinding then I turn my head to see Ricky staring at me.... weird I thought he would be chasing Megan about now. you know now that I think about he hasn't done that lately I guess I have been with Cameron so much that I haven't noticed. Was it something I sai- Cameron interrupted my thoughts. "Wanna get a drink I'm getting tired of dancing?" "sure." I said still thinking of Ricky.


Jc and I were dancing when I randomly see a girl with a black hoodie on I can't see her face but Ik she was looking at me. I keep staring and as soon as I blink ....... she was gone I guess I was a little tipsy but that seemed really real.... then Jc asked "what ya lookin at?" he said turning around. "ooo nothing just thought I saw something." I say going back to dancing.

~LB'S P.O.V.~

all I remember was being really smashed at that party. I was crazy and so was........ fin....... or at lest I think it was fin. yeah I can barely remember his name I was smashed.

but somehow I'm in my bed what happen?? I turned over to see FIN!!! he opens his eyes saying "Crazy night right?"

"yeah..... crazy" I said in a misty sleepy voice. "so whatcha thinkin' bout?" he said in a perky awake voice. "why I don't have a hangover." "yeah same here that's weird.. I well what do you wanna do?" "Umm I'm going to take a shower and I think my parents are coming home today so you should go.."

"k well I will text you see ya!" he said then kissed me on the forehead and left. I thought of that night and it was so weird I mean I don't even really like fin.I got up and took a shower because my parents were coming in for lunch and it was 9:00. after my shower I heard a knock on the door think it was my parents I put on a robe and go to get the door. it was my parents and after saying our hellos we go get some lunch after I get out and on the way back I tell them I'm going to walk home.

on my way home I see Kian. "HEY KIAN!" I yell from across the street. he looks at me and gives me this weird look and keeps walking so I just kept walking too, but it bugged me a lot that he didn't say hi back so I kept wandering what was up with him.


I could even talk to her I was so hurt I mean I dropped hint but I guess she didn't notice. Or maybe I got friend zoned and didn't know it. Why I'm I so stupid I couldn't have just told her I like her and now she gone. I can't handle just being friends.

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