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I heard some foot step then someone grabbed my hand but I couldn't open my eyes because of the harsh light her hand was shaky and tight I could feel she staring at me and her light frown.

I felt the girls lips on my cheek and as I was about to open my eyes I felt heavy foot steps stomp on the ground. " ma'am you need to go back to your room right now!" they said in deep booming voices I opened my eye to see aidan holding her gown and her tips as she left the room.

I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer I fell back asleep.

"you're wake......" she sweet voice sang. "yeah." I said still trying to find out what happen. "how long was I out?" I said confused. "two days now.." she said looking down

"wow.." I said in amazement. "But the doctor said as soon as you wake up you can go home! so go get in the shower clean up and I will get the doctor there is a pair of clothes for you in the bathroom!" she said jumping up from the couch and running off.

I took a shower and after I got out I changed and a minute later the doctor was there and did a check up and then gave me the ok to go. Aidan still hadn't come back yet so I gathered my stuff as I was talking to a nurse

"yeah that poor girl was here the whole entire time you were out! your really lucky to have found someone like that!" the nurse said with a grin. "I we're not dating..." I said putting my hand on the back of my neck. "O well if I were I would consider dating her!" the nurse said putting her hands in her pockets and walking off.

Aidan was here the whole time for me...... damn. Aidan interrupted my thoughts as she came in with Taco Bell. "thanks....." I said taking the bag the held out.

We walked out and sat at the park next to the hospital and found a picnic table to eat at. I sat down and ate my taco. "the nurse told me you were there the whole time I was out." I said looking into her eyes.

"yeah you could say I was a little worried.." she said as her cheeks blushed into a lite pink tone. "so how's Jc?" I asked to be sure that I couldn't kiss her. "I haven't seen him since the accident. He wasn't even at the hospital." she said looking down at her taco.

"I'm sorry. Where do you think he has been?" I said with a frown on the outside but a smile on the inside.

fter that we talked for a while and I walked her home it was one of the best days in my life. I'm so happy I saved her except for the hospital part but other than that I couldn't stop thinking of her.

I totally forgot about Kennedy and everything that happen between us. It was all thoughts and memories of Aidan.


today was great and I think I'm falling for cameron. But where the hell has Jc been for the past three days he didn't even visit me in the hospital. What was up with him?

I texted Jc again for the fifth time.

aidan: Jc where the hell are you... please Jc text me back.

That's when I saw it and everything that had happen to me I could now put all the pieces together it only took one word





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