last day

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I woke up and slow rise already knowing what I'm going to see and sure enough I was right...... clay.

Kian and Clay were happily playing on Xbox , I sighed and trudged into the kitchen. After I grabbed an apple and noisily crunched into it. Kian turned his head to a 45 degree angle and said "Morning babe!" Still chewing I said "Hey..." in an obviously annoyed tone.

"Hey guess what!" Kian spoke with his eyes still on the TV. Before I could even answer he said "Clay lives in Cali! On your street and everything!" Both of the boys pressed buttons at a crazy rate and some out managed to high five.

I sighed again and in a fake tone I said "Great..."

"Yea I know right!" clay finally chimed in. "That's it I'm going to go tan!" I said quickly slipping on my bikini , grabbing my stuff and leave making sure to close the door with alittle bang.


I pulled a blanket over my as stepping out of the bedroom where Ricky was no where to be found. The smell of all my favorite breakfast foods filled my nose when I stepped into the small kitchen area. I rubbed my eyes "Cameron..." I scooted close to make sure it was him

" Morning love!" Cameron spoke in a more than peppy tone. "but how are you- CAMERON get out what if Ricky see you!?"

He slowly picked up a pick of paper and said "He left this for you" I picked it up and read:

dear kennedy,

I'm going to spend the day with Jenn to catch up. Sorry we made the plans really late last night so I couldn't really tell you but, love you bye have a great day!  

love your boyfriend Ricky!

I sighed and turned back to cameron who was sitting there smiling like an idiot. "Breakfast mah'lady?"

"Mmmhhhmmm waffles! My favorite!" I grabbed two plates as he started to pull waffles onto our plates.

"So what's the plan for today!" I said grabbing folks and knifes.

"o you'll see." he smirked at me from the corner on his eyes.


"Connor... PLEASE! Just listen to me, let me explain...." at that moment I broke down and cried as my legs crippled under me and I was forced to stop running after him. "Connor I love you and I made a mistake! And if it meant I could have you still I would never even look at another guy!" I slowly yelled hoping he would turn back one last time.

As soon as I said that he slowly turned "You would?......" he softly spoke. Connor walked over and gracefully sat next to me.

" Well that's what people do to keep the ones they love and I love you." I looked into his eyes to see a tear build up. The year scrolled down his cheek. I wiped it away and softly kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry."

We sat the in silent for a few minutes, but it wasn't an awkward of bad silence it was a good comforting type. Connor took my wrist and dragged me all the way to some kind of like forest. he never said a word so I didn't either. sooner or later he slowed down only to find him looking at a tree.

He looked back at me and said "Come on." Connor hopped up the tree and pulled me up behind him.

"What are we doing here." I asked. "When I was little I use to go to my aunties a lot and when ever I got upset I would come to this tree." he looked in my eyes but I just looked down feeling dragged down by guilt.

He lifted my chin "I forgive you." My jaw dropped at how nice he was after I did such a horrible thing. Without letting me say anything he pulled me into a hug and I nussled my head into his neck.

~SAM'S P.O.V.~

I packet up my things because we were going to leave just the next day. I'm a monster. So my girlfriend can't come to on the trip to Vidcon so I cheat on her. How will I tell her. She will never forgive me I mean I wouldn't forgive me.

Poo thing, I can't believe she fell for such a arse. I mean..ughh. Ok Sam just tell her what happen she deserves to know.


Jenny helped me as I packed all my things and started to clean the room because we would have to leave early in the morning. I saw to plates with half eatin waffles on there but kennedy was the only one to have breakfast this morning here so who was the other plate for?

I picked up the plates to ask Jenn about it but when I turned to look at her she already had her jaw dropped. cameron was carrying her into the room and stopped frozen when he saw us. Filled with rage at all the thoughts going thru my head I yell "WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK YOUR DUDE!!"

Before I could say anything else he whispered and half yelled back "Your gonna wake her up!!"

he put kennedy on the couch and covered her with a blanket. He told Jenn to stay here to see if kennedy wakes and then he grabbed my shirt pulling me into another room. he quietly shut the door and I started again.

"so what ya doing with my girl?!" I stared with dagger eyes.

"GIVING HER THE ATTENTION SHE DESERVES UNLIKE YOU WHO IS HANGING OUT WITH JENN THE WHOLE TIME AND IGNORING HER LIKE SHE DOESN'T MATTER!!!" I could tell he was uber mad by how he was shaking and how his handed were clutched in fist.

"o shit what have I done!?" I sat down on a bed putting my hands on my head. o shit........

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