skinny dipping

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~SAM'S P.O.V.~

I opened the second AriZona. I took a sip from it as she said "kian?" she looked at me and said "he isn't coming is he?" then she looked down in disappointment "sorry LB i know it sucks, he was to embarrassed to tell you what really happened."

"why do I even try when I know I will fail..." she said in the saddest tone I have ever heard. "It wasn't you it was him. He was ignoring you because he felt it was his fault that you made out with fin because he didn't tell you his feelings." I spoke softly as I watched her tear start to grow I put my hand around her shoulder and she grabbed my hand holding waiting for me to go on.

"I still don't get why he couldn't have told me that..." she spoke trying not to choke on her words. "he finally got over you and is now dating coco..." now she let it all out "I lost him over words......" I comforted her as best I could

~LB'S P.O.V.~

after I stopped crying we sat there finishing our AriZona talking about everything that has happened since I when a wall. we talked for hours and hours and hours we laughed and cried and made inside jokes and shared random stuff and and then finally we decide to do skinny dipping ya know just for fun so we put our clothes under a bush and got into the water well after 15 minutes we see a girl walk by and put an Letter on a random rock and then she just walked away so we watched a little longer to see a guy walk up and read the note then all of the sudden we see a few lanterns light up.

it was Kennedy and Ricky sitting right there and then they started to kiss. "Hey isn't Kennedy dating Cameron?" Sam slowly said. "Well, I thought so." I spoke back. "Umm I'll text Cameron." Sam said as he started to walk back up to the rock to get our clothes. After getting dressed and get put of there before Kennedy and Ricky saw us. We headed to my house because again as usual the parents were on business. We started to was the Dictator and half way through I fell asleep.

The next thing I know I'm waking up in my bed with Sam right next to me so I started to go down stair and go make breakfast because the only way to get him up is food. After I bring a tray of food up to my room and as we ate we watched some TV .

when it turned 9:00a.m. i got up and started speaking "Hey I have to go grocery shopping for next weeks good so yeah see you later I guess."

He quickly replied "Wait! I can go with you it will be fun."

I gave him a look "Umm ok I will go get you some clothes." I felt and came back with some clothes. I handled him one of my dads v-neck which fit him really well and then we went to the store. Midway though shopping we got to the snacks and all of the sudden Sam pulls me back and says "o no..... it's Sophie...."

"who's Sophie?" I whispered "ex- she cheated on me..."

"wanna make her jealous?" I whisper with a smirk from cheek to cheek on my face! "yeah ok!" he said in a perky tone.

We walked by and I giggled at him and then he gave me a perky kiss and out of the corner of my eye I saw her face cherry red in envy so I looked back at him. We both pulled back and turn to giggle and walk more and as soon as she was out of sight I turned to him and said "Did you see that we were awesome!" I said hugging him with my arms around his neck he just smiled at me then at the same time we both leaned in to Kiss again

~SAM'S P.O.V.~

we stopped after hearing a kid go "aye PDA!!!" and we just started cracking up! after we unloaded the food we just hung out somempre I mean it was really good being around her.

~ ~2 weeks later~ ~

We were at LB's house as usual and we were making sandwiches. LB jumped on the counter and just sat there. I don't know what happen, but I just got a boost of confident and walked up between her legs and whispered in her ear "Laura Beth will you be my girlfriend?". She did even have to answer because I already knew that a yes was about to escape her lips.

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