the letter

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~LB'S P.O.V.~

after I left kennedy at her house I texted Ricky knowing she was going to need him. I got out of my jeep and walked inside to see my parents which I hadn't seen in a long time. "hey guys!!" I said giving them a huge hug. they just kinda looked at me with guilty faces.

so I went up stair to get ready and I put on a cute white and black dress and let my hair down in natural curls. after I had gotten ready I ran down stair wanted to spend more time with my parents. weird right!? but it's just my dad was in the middle of a big movie which meant all hands on deck for my mom.

so after a quite right to some fancy restaurant that had small food like every other fancy restaurant did. we eat the small food and the small desert and we sat their just doing some small talk but they were still wearing guilty looks on their faces and tried to talk as lest as they possibly could and as soon after the waiter took the check my parents handed me a letter that was carefully writin. they told me to read it after I was they were gone and then to follow its directions

this letter had directions!? that's creepy! so we had another awkward car ride home and they let me inside and said their good byes and told me they would be back in two days so I had to follow the directions quickly. as soon as they closed the door I tore open the letter with the first thing I found and I carefully unfolded the letter that was written on a fancy piece of paper with my parents names both written at the bottom

with every word I read my jaw dropped lower and lower until I was sitting there in the living room not being able to believe what they had write down. the secrets that now crawled thru my mind. and that crept into my every thought

that whole entire night I just sat there on my bed not being able to go to bed but instead I followed the direction the letter had told me and that night I not only got mentally prepared for what the secrets told me but I also had to physically get ready for what the secrets had told me.

The Crew (O2L fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin