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me and aidan have been around eachother 24/7 ever since her "accident" and she told me everything about Alayna all the way to Cameron. "so today's the day!" I said looking up at her as she was going thru her closet. "I can't wait I haven't seen him in sooo long I miss him soo much!" she said as she bounced up and down. *knock knock* "I will go keep it you finish whatever your doing." I said as I walked back down stairs. I opened the door and before seeing who it is I'm engulfed in a hug realize it was Jc and he thought I was aidan I say "I know Jc we are close friends and everything but your girl friend is up stairs." he pulls back and scratches the back of his neck "opps!" he says as he walks up stair to now engulf aidan in the hug she should have gotten.

I drove them to the mall because I was going there anyways to get a birthday present for my mom. After we got there I sent them off to their date and as I was walking away I see a girl with a black hoodie following them so I decide to follow her. knowing that it was Alayna I made sure she didn't see me watching her.

Jc and aidan went to go get drinks. I watched Jc walk into the bathroom and as he did aidan turned to tie her shoes as the drinks were set one the counter. Alayna walked by and I saw her dump something into one of the drinks.

I ran over to aidan as she was about to take a sip of her's. stop her in just the nick of time and tell her what I saw. after Jc comes back and aidan not wanting to scare Jc didn't tell him. which I totally respected.

I soon went off on my own way knowing aidan would be careful.

but as I was about to get my mom her present I feel someone grasp my arm and pull it behind me. "I know what you did and I don't like cheaters so if you help her one more time you will be next and who will watch out for you?" I felt her hot breathe flow across the back of my neck.

as I turned around all I saw was her putting her hood back on and walking out of the store. I knew that girl from some where I really did!


I was totally shivering the whole date after Alayna tried to freaking poison me!!! But lucky for me Jc did notice so as we were walking around till I spat out of my mouth "so why did you come to the hospital?" damn! why would I say that "well truthful I figured out it was Alayna that did it and I didn't want you to get hurt anymore so I decide to stay away from you for a while." he said looking down in embarrassment. "then why are you here now?" I said looking into what I could see of his eyes.

he paused for a moment. "because I realize that's what she wanted to happen." he now looked up at me with concern. I just hugged him and didn't let go


I was walking thru the mall when I see aidan and right as I'm about to walk up to her I watch her hug Jc then it hits me I will never be able to get someone like her but even more than that I realized I still was madly in love with kennedy......

I had to find kennedy. I wanted to be the thing that made kennedy happy because truthfully I was so angry when she left that night. but I was only angry because she was what made me happy and I had to let her go.


after he explained what happen at the hospital I felt so much better and so much more comfortable. I had missed Jc so much and the only reason I had that day with Cameron was because I missed Jc.......

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