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I wake up to lb laying next to me on her couch and cartoons are on. I slowly get up and go get breakfast as I pull out some yogurt lb walks in "Goodmorning sleepy head!" I say sliding her a yogurt.

she opens it and rubs her eye then grabs two spoons and slides me one "so what ya wanna do today?" she said putting her hair in a messy bun.

" I was thinking about beach then gym?" I said as I start my yogurt. "I'm up for that!" she then finished her yogurt and throws it away as she pick up a note "well my parent are asking me to a family dinner so umm I guess I will have to been back by 5:30 to get ready." she then walked back up stairs to get ready.

I finished my yogurt and followed her back up. we got really and headed off to the gym.

as we got to the gym I got on one of the mountain climbers and put my headphones on. lb went off somewhere to do something.

I was minding my own business till someone comes up and uses the climber next to me. "hey can I borrow one of your towels?" the manly voice says. I take out my earbuds and say "yea sure" and toss him one "I'm Austin by the way." he says looking over at me "I'm kennedy." I say still keeping on because I wasn't really wanting to talk to anyone.

"your really pretty." he says "umm thanks" I reply still not wanting to talk. "we should hang out sometime!" "sorry I'm busy like all the time!" I tell him as I get of the climber only because I love Ricky and I not even going to look at others guys.

I hear fast foot step behind me. then someone pushes my shoulder around. our faces were inches away. "but I'm Hot why wouldn't you want to hang out with me!!" now I was sure something was wrong with him. so I said "I have a boyfriend." and I go to keep walking but he holds me and pushes me against the wall. "your boyfriend doesn't have to know...." he said and right as he tries to lean in to kiss me I see someone's hand hit him upside the head and he backs up holding his head "kennedy are you ok I saw the whole thing!" lb comes and hugs me and we walk away

he screamed at us and cursed alot! so we jump into the car and go off "I think I'm just should go home." I said still in shock of what happened. "yea I wouldn't blame you he was creepy!" lb said as she drove up to my house.

I walked into my house hugged lb goodbye and run up to my room to lay on my bed. ugh what a creep! as I was thinking of how scary that really was I started to fall asleep.

I woke up and I felt my head on someone's chest. I pull myself up and think how the hell did Ricky get in here haha o Ricky. he picks up his head and said "hey sleeping beauty!" with a smirk on his face he jumps up off the bed and looks at me. "hey!" I say happy that he is here

"your parents let me in!" he said "so wanna go to the beach?" I asked wanting to get out of the house. "sounds like fun!" he said all ready in a bathing suit

we get to the beach and we are messing around in the water when I see a guy and his to friends walk up "hey kennedy....." the middle one says and I look at him closer to see a huge black and blue bruise on the side of his face. austin.......

I look over at Ricky with the oshit face and he acts like he know the whole story right then I figured out that lb must have told him.

Austin walks up to me and puts his hands on my waist I push him off as I see Ricky face turn white with burning rage. Austin looks at me and says "I know you like it babe but it looks like your little friend isn't here to cut us off like that so why don't you stop trying to fool yourself!" he said then grabbing me again and this time kissing me I fight to pull him off but he is holding the back of my head and my waist. I see Ricky at the corner of my eyes and he is being held down by Austin's two friends.

think kennedy think. ok I promised myself never to kick a guy in the balls because its really mean but here it goes. "FUCK!" he curses and lets go falling on the ground I look at the other two guys to see Ricky penning one down and he had knocked out the other one.

I look at Ricky and we both run for it and we didn't stop till we were home. after we got to his place we took a shower together and then he gave me clothes to change into as we cleaned up I pull him into the biggest hug and he just hugs me back and says "I love you kennedy and I sorry I let him do that to you. I'm probly the worst guy on earth for mot acting faster!" he said letting go of our hug and frowning .

I take his hand and pull them back around me "no he is the worst guy on earth." I say as I snuggle into his hug. we both flopped on the bed and the last think I remember is him kissing my on the head and saying "I love kennedy more than you will ever know."

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