Chap. 2

11 2 7

I hugged Dan, who hugged me back. His arms wrapped around me tightly, afraid to let me go.

"C'mon, let's go see what your brother wants to say." I tried to smile. Dan tiredly pulled himself up. I stood up too.

I took his hand (then started to think that maybe I shouldn't have since people might get the wrong idea: NEWS FLASH: the supposed bodyguard of Prince Aedan is dating the prince? Having an affair? How scandalous!) and pulled Dan out the door.

Me and Dan arrived to where everyone (and by everyone, I mean all the guards and palace staff) had been at, just in time to hear the words, "Prince Arther Aminstad... You will now be proclaimed King Arther Aminstad. King of Asfrirope."

I saw Prince Arther's face lit up. Then he cleared his throat. "I'd be happy to be king, but... I wish the circumstances were different. I wish it would have been my father handing me down his crown, not.... this situation."

Prince (King?) Arther's face grew sad.

"Yes, but having you would be better! Weiss was an awful king! You, his son, would be the perfect choice to be king! And you should be king!" One of the guards— reddish brown hair and grey eyes— piped up enthusiastically.

I narrowed my eyes. He wanted Arther to be king? And he was against King— ahem, the deceased King Weiss? Hm.... This sounds fishy... Could be have plotted murder against our rulers? Was HE the one who killed them last night? But how....

A tug on my hand pulled me out of my running thoughts.

"What?" I whispered to Dan.

I watched as hoarfrost began to cover Dan's dark red hair, the lights above making them glitter.

Sadness and fear. Dan's power was expressing Dan's sad emotion.

Dan was a royal (I mean, obviously!) and his element was ice and plants. Most royals tended to have their powers take over sometimes and express their emotions physically without the users directly using their magic.

Pretty cool, but also a bit inconvenient for the royals who don't want people to know what they are feeling.

"Hey... Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." Dan managed with a shudder.

"Okay." I say.

I turn back to Arther. Flames lick the floor beneath him. His element is fire.

Arther turned to me. And then the screams began. 

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