Chap. 17

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I blinked my eyes, glancing up groggily. I had woken up to the sound of the train going on the hovering rails and the quiet murmur and chatter of the other passengers.

I glanced beside me and found Dan fast asleep, like I had just been. His head leaned on his seat, eyes closed, shoulders going up and down with his breathing.

And suddenly, his head slid down, falling on my shoulders and resting there. Oh. Oh.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. This is so.... different. But, at the same time, I.... don't mind this...

I rubbed my eyes, trying to be fully awake and alert. Dan was asleep and I should be protecting him and on guard.

How long had I been out?

The train will be arriving in five minutes.

Okay, so since the entire ride was said to be thirty minutes and now there's five minutes....

Wait, doing the math in my head.... Ah! I had slept for twenty-five minutes! Not too bad, but still long. 

Eyes, Blood, Hell - FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now