Chapter 20

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The day soon passed, but it had been the doctor who had saved her from the reporters, not her dad. No Michael Knight had never shown up and the reporter had tried to make full use of that by asking questions such as was it actually her father who had shot her and his behaviour at the mansion was merely to cover it up? Ashley had refused to make comment, she knew what happened and she wasn't about to listen to some stupid reporter.

All of this had made her more determined to get her comlink back so she could ask KITT what exactly was going on. So she waited until the clock in the hall struck one in the morning, then she silently slipped out into the hall and after making sure there was no one around she went over to the desk and looked through the draws.

She hoped the rustling of papers and other objects in the draw wouldn't disturb anyone or alert them of her activities, finding nothing in that draw she moved on to the next. She smiled when she got her comlink and put it back on her wrist where it belonged.

Then quiet voices and footsteps echoed through the empty halls, knowing that she wouldn't be able to race back to her room in time she was forced to hide under the desk and wait for them to move on.

Soon the were right next to her above the desk and she had to do her best to keep calm and not breath too loud or gag from the smell of the disinfectant they used on the floors. As she sat curled up under the desk she listened to what they were say and were surprised they were talking about some poor dead patient, but the more she listened the more suspicious she became.

'Did you hear about that girl who passed away this morning?'

'Yeah, it was only an hour or so ago wasn't it?'

'That's what I heard, it's sad though because I heard they lost her on the table for a few minutes and managed to revive her.'

'I heard that too and to do all that only to have her pass away just over a month later. It's just terrible and everyone thought she was going to make it too.'

'How old was the poor girl?'

'I'm not sure, but I know she was around 9 - 10 years old.'

Ashley's heart was racing and it was thumping so loud she was surprised they couldn't hear it, who were they talking about? After all she was now ten years old, but she wasn't dead! She tried to calm herself down, there were hundreds of girls there at the hospital and they could easily have been talking about anyone of them.

'I feel sorry for her family, I mean I could hear the fathers wailing all the way down in the toilets at the end of the hallway.'

'Yes, you've got to feel sorry for them, it wouldn't be easy to lose someone so young.'

'No, but what gets me is why would a guy just randomly show up and shoot a little girl?'

'Who knows; he was probably insane or something.'

'You'd have to be to try and murder a nine year old in cold blood.'

'Yeah, anyway I've still got to go back and check on some of the young cancer patients, I'll see you in the morning.'


That tore it, she was ten and had been shot, but she was not dead! As soon as they were gone she raced back into her room quietly shutting the door behind her with a click. She got back into bed and pretended to be a sleep just in time for one of the nurses to peek through the door at her and seeing that everything was alright she closed the door and left.

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