Chapter 36

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Ash had wanted to go to the bookstore ever since she had arrived at the Riders, she really needed something to do apart from homework, watching tv, playing with the dog and talking with her brother. She needed her own space to do something she enjoyed and reading just so happened to be one of those things.

So Amber bought her a copy of the Narnia The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.  Ashley was ecstatic by the time the two of them got back to the car and headed home to Amber's place.

'Oh my gosh!  I can't believe this!  I actually have books that aren't school related!  For the first time ever!'  The young girl held the novels tightly against her chest as if she never wanted to let go of them.  'I know that must sound weird to you.'  She murmured looking over to the young woman driving.

'Not really. Considering I didn't exactly have any books myself as a child.'  Amber noted, on deciding to stop by the pet store on the way out to check on the animals and whether it had fallen to a scam about a certain animal being a new breed or mixed breed dog, cat, or otherwise as said scams weren't so uncommon now.

Once inside she looked around at all the animals until she came to what she knew to be a dingo puppy, as she was looking at it one of the staff came over to talk to her about it.

'Cute, isn't he?  We just got him a few days ago, the man said he was a new breed of dog.'  She smiled as she watched the dingo pup from behind the glass.

'Any buyers or previous complaints from buyers about previous adoptions?' Amber inquired, 'Also, would you happen to have any information on the provider?'

'We did have one complaint now that you mention it and I think I do have the name of the provider written in a file, I'll go and get it for you, but first I must ask who you are?'

Amber looked closer in the case and saw another puppy, almost identical but still different. She knew it to be a New Guinea Singing Dog, still she continued with her questionnaire on informing them that she was a police officer and they had unfortunately fallen to a scam, and to get as much information as possible of previous adopters to check up with the families.

So the staff member kept her word and gave her all the files on the subject and was very relieved when Amber offered to help them keep their good reputation on her taking custody of the two pups, and offering replacements with some real puppies she just so happened to be fostering.

'Thank you Officer Karr, we really appreciate your help in this, we had no idea about the scam.'

'Thank you for your cooperation, I'll come by later in the week with the puppies.'  She said on picking up the Singing Dog puppy, her other arm full with the papers, she smiled at Ashley.  'Hmm... Think you could help with carrying the other puppy?'

'Of course.'  Ash carefully picked up the Dingo puppy and they took the puppies to car then returned to Amber's house.

Back at her home she let the two pups play as she brought out two of her current fosters, one being a Coyote puppy and the other being a fairly young true Red Fox. Ashley grinned and patted them to her hearts content, rather surprised by the animals friendliness, until she remembered a certain someone that she hadn't been to say hello to.

'KARR?' She asked as she cautiously walked into the dimly lit garage.

'What is it?'  He questioned, on having recently come out of recharge. He hated empty room spaces due to his incarceration, he couldn't keep the slight tone out of his voice. Sighing, he made the room brighter showing that on closer inspection he had sections of paint missing revealing the base white, others had what looked like bad burn marks amongst some melted areas. Including some dents, the most recent on his bumper with chips of blue paint from the car he roughly hit back when she and her father were playing at the beach.

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