Chapter 39

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Hello all of my amazing readers! How are we? Great? That's awesome. I am finally here with the chapter that I have been promising and I hope you like it! It doesn't have much action I'm afraid, it is rather fluffy though so um... Yeah! Just wanted to give credit to again Decrosse for helping me write this and now let's get on to the chapter!


Bonnie and Amber tried to get KARR to open his hood so they could look inside and see the damage that had been done to the poor car's systems as well as try to fix it. The trans-am however was frightened and wasn't sure about allowing them to look.

'Please KARR, I don't want to hurt you.... I want you to get better but I can only make that happen if you allow me to help you.'

The car relented and, albeit reluctantly, opened his hood. Bonnie was shocked by the amount of damage that had been done to his engine and while she didn't say anything she sent a look to Amber as if silently asking how in the world he had been able to keep going like he had.

'He's a fighter.' The younger woman murmured, bending down to gently touch his golden scanner.

'He is indeed.' Bonnie nodded.  'I'm sorry to frighten you KARR, and this may hurt a little, but I'm only trying to help you.'  She started looking around at his engine hoping to fully asses the damage and find a place to start working on him.

She started to move some of the wires and attempted to remove them replace what she could with new ones, however as she came to a particularly busted circuit and went to see just how bad it was KARR made a sound of pain and Bonnie snatched her hands away and jumped back just seconds before he slammed his hood.

'Looks like we should avoid touching that one for the time, as much as possible.' Amber stroked his prow before carefully scratching under it near the wheels causing him to calm down enough to purr.

'I agree.' She nodded, though she was saddened that her "son" was in so much pain, she couldn't help giving a small smile at hearing him purr. 'Ok KARR, do you think you could open your hood and let me take another look? I promise I won't touch that one again.' At first he didn't respond, but after a few moment his hood opened though his wheels seemed to quiver softly.

Despite the fact she was tired Ashley watched her mother and friend work, knowing that trying to sleep in KARR while he was being repaired would be useless. She felt sorry for her "brother" it was clear he had suffered a lot and she just hoped that he was able to be fixed so that he wouldn't have to feel pain anymore.

Amber helped to clean out KARR's engine of debris as best she could, as well as keep him calm enough to allow Bonnie to replace what she could temporarily. The two women patched up the car as best they could before the younger had to drive him to the Riders' house to make sure that Prince was ok before going to check on the Riders' themselves.

'Tell me when you find Prince.... Please?' Ashley asked, worried for her little dog.

'Of course.' Amber reassured Ashley on her question, still helping to disconnect certain wires that could be a danger and still being wary of which ones cause him more pain than others...

Once they had done all they could at that time Amber drove KARR to Hailey and Mathew's house, upon arriving she quickly picked the lock on the door to the Riders' house.  Just as Amber got the door open she turned and glanced at the black and silver t-top that was parked a few meters behind her.

The Knight is Still Youngحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن