Chapter 24

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The three of them walked to the beach, but Ashlyn had the strangest feeling that they were being watched. At first she just ignored it, but as time went on she became more and more suspicious. Every so often she would look over her shoulder, or glance around her looking for anyone that she had seen a little too often, but each time she didn't see anyone who looked like they were watching them. By the time they were running into the water Ashlyn was begging to freak out, but she soon forgot about it as Mathew splashed her.

'Wait, are you allowed to go swimming with your....?' He asked pointing to her shoulder sling.

'As long as I don't try to swim properly or get dumped or something.' She replied.

'Oh, ok then.' He nodded. 'So I can still do this?!' He kicked a whole load of water! She replied standing side on to avoid getting pushed over by a wave.

'I bet I can go out further than both of you!' Hailey said and she ran out into the ocean so that was up to her chest.

'Wait for us!' Mathew called and the other two followed.

They laughed and squealed as they splashed around in the waves, trying to knock each other over before they body surfed into shore and ran back out again. However the swell started getting rougher and Ashlyn wasn't so sure if they should be out so far and she wanted to swim back towards the beach a little, but Hailey wanted to do the opposite.

'Let's go out further!' She cried and she swam out deeper.

'I don't think that's a good idea, Hailey!' Ashlyn called back.

'You're just scared, you're nothing but a big wuss!'

'You're probably right.'  Ashlyn replied shrugging then she looked to Mathew.  'I don't like this, I'm getting out.'  She said and she let the next wave take her back onto the beach and she laughed as it crashed her onto the sand.

Mathew wasn't sure about Hailey's decision, but he didn't want to get out just yet so he stayed where he was and kept jumping over and under the waves until he heard a shout.  He looked to the beach where he saw Ashlyn shouting at him, he ran over to her and looked out to sea.

He could see his sister flopping about in the waves as it dragged her under.  Ashlyn had been right, the waves were to rough and Hailey wasn't strong enough to swim out of it.  The two of them watched for several seconds as she flailed helplessly in the water trying to scream out for help.

Ashlyn ran over to the life guards and pointed her out then they witnessed as he ran out into the surf to save her.  He was able to reach her then he carried her out and laid her on the sand where she was coughing and spluttering before she threw up what looked like half the ocean.  Ashlyn and Mathew thanked the life guard before taking her home.

'Are you ok Hailey?'  Mathew asked worried.

'No!'  She said angrily.  'I almost drowned!  Thanks to you!'  She pointed at Ashlyn.

'What do you mean thanks to me?'  Ashlyn asked.

'If you hadn't have been such a big wuss and come out with me you could have saved me!'

'It wasn't Ashlyn fault she told you not to go out that far!'  Mathew replied.

'I'm the one who got the life guard to save you!'  She almost screamed.

'Well if she hadn't have come none of this would have happened!'

'That was not my fault, I never even wanted to come and live you!'  She yelled and walked off ahead of them.

By now Michael was sitting in his room back at the mansion thinking about how he was going to punish Durant for what he had done to his family, prison was to good for coward, he deserved something a lot more painful.  At first he had thought about shooting him in the gut so that he would die slowly and painfully, but even that was to good for him, he could try strangling him, but that just wasn't gruesome enough the he came up with the perfect idea, but his thoughts were interrupted as Devon came in.

'Michael, we've found something on where Durant is.'

Michael followed his colleague to his office where he showed him a photo of a man with light brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, a small nose, small mouth and a strong jawline.

'This is Justin Owens-'

'AKA Durant.'  Michael cut him off.

'Yes, he was seen just days ago in Chicago with this man.'  He showed him several photos of the new Durant drinking with another man at a coffee shop and as he looked closer Michael recognised the other man.

'Samuel Tesler.'  He growled.

'Correct again Michael and we have found his new address, I'll transmit it to KITT's computers.'  That was all Michael needed to hear before he was running out the door to meet his black t-top out the front of the mansion.

The pair were surprised to discover that the address wasn't that far away from where they had dropped Ashlyn off so drove to California, barely stopping along the way until they reached the address of Jennifer's ex fiancé Samuel Tesler. Michael got out of his car and started to walk determinedly towards the building. It was an apartment complex and his apartment was on the tenth floor, room 15C. While he acknowledged his partners warning to be careful, Michael had other things on his mind like how badly he was going to hurt Tesler in order to get information from him on Durant.

When he got to the room he didn't even bother to knock, he just opened the door and slammed it behind him. He looked to the couch where he saw Tesler was sitting, facing away from him toward the tv and a large window that over looked the streets below. His head was slumped forward slightly and he didn't seem at all concerned about the noise the door had made.

'Hello Tesler, long time no see. How does the Chameleon feel about you working with Durant?' He asked. No answer. He walked around the couch to find Tesler with a bullet in his head and blood al over his face. 'Dang it!' He said frustrated that their only lead had been murdered. He then lifted his comlink to his face. 'Looks like Durant knew we were coming, pal, Tesler's dead.' He informed his partner. 'Tell Devon and ask him to contact local authorities.'

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