Chapter 68. Masters of Puppetry

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We left the dark kingdom and started traveling to the platinum kingdom. Mary-Anne came along with us. She is very cheerful and likes to play pranks, especially on Kuon who's still a cat. But when the 24 hour time is up, Kuon reverted back to normal and aims to get revenge. Still in the end, Kuon got toyed around by Mary-Anne's illusions.

Mary-Anne: Heeheeheehee!!

Kuon: Hey!! Stop that already!

While Mary-Anne is playing tricks on Kuon, a black creature jumps out and attacks Mary-Anne.

Mary-Anne: Aaah!!!

Kuon got in front of her, he then attacks the creature and it splattered.

Kuon: You alright?

Mary-Anne: (sticks out tongue) I didn't need your help!

Kuon: Kid! Shouldn't you thank me? I just saved your life!

While Kuon was bickering with Mary-Anne, the black creature reform and became a bit bigger. Soon, black creatures in all shape and sizes surrounded us.

Zelphi: Soren! Aren't these the creatures from the abyss?!

Soren: It would appear so...There's a barrier located near here. It probably collapse and the abyssal creatures poured out of it.

Zelphi: Then what should we do? We can't attack them head on, I'll only increase their size and power.

Soren: Not to worry, I have a backup plan just in case if this happened. For now, our main priority is to stabilize the barrier on the portal.

Mysterious guy: There's no need for that.

From the corners of the tree, we saw two girls and one guy. The two girls start motioning their fingers and dozens of marionette dolls pop out from the bushes. There were 14 dolls total and each of them had a wire attached to them. The dolls then circled the abyssal creatures and the wires bind them. They then were clustered and was unable to move.

Zelphi: Whoa..Hey Soren, how are they doing that? Just who are they?

Soren: They are a type of manipulator, a puppet master in their case. They are highly skilled manipulator who can control dolls.

Then the three puppeteers jump down from the tree. There was a guy that had red hair. His right eye glow green while his left eye is black with a eyepatch hanging on the side. The two girls looked like sisters. They both had blonde color hair and blue eyes. They both wore a red head band while controlling 7 dolls each.

Mysterious guy: Now that's wrap. Nice job there Clair, and you too Clara.

Clara: I don't want to hear that from you. This wouldn't've happen if you hadn't been careless.

Clair: Diablo..I'm telling lady Cordelia.

Mysterious guy: (nervously) Hey hey, I said I was sorry, didn't I? (Looks at Soren) Hm? You there, aren't you a branded?

Soren: Yes, that is correct. Now it's my turn to ask you a question. Why are the abyssal creatures here? In fact, what happened to the barrier?

Diablo: Don't worry about it "branded one". The barrier's fine.

Soren: Then why are the creatures of the abyss here?

Diablo: We let 'em out.

Everyone: (shocked) !!!

Diablo: Woah there! Before you assume anything, let me just say we had a reason to do so.

Soren: Go on, I'll be the judge of that.

Diablo: Riight..So you see, our lady wants to find out how to defeat these creatures. In order to do so, we had to gather a few of them and...well, experiment them. So far, no luck, they just continue to grow in size when we attack them. We had to release the barrier in order to gather a few of them and well..they got away. So that's that.

Soren: It's dangerous, you should leave the barrier be and wait until I'm able to seal it with Merlin.

Diablo: Mm..yes, we received orders to do so. However, I have to say, what if you can't find the one you're looking for? I've heard all about the branded. I've heard that the "branded evil" disappeared 100 years ago. And I've also heard that the "branded lie" is currently MISSING. So what "if" you can't find him..Hm? Well, I wouldn't even be surprise if he's dead after all, everyone despises the branded, yes?

Soren: That may be so, but there's a reason why we're called the branded. We are relatively stronger and smarter than most savants. I doubt that the other brandeds will die that easily. As long as they're still alive, I can go and find them so we can seal the portal and stop this destruction.

Diablo: Yes yes, that may be so. But just as you said, they are smart. Probably smart enough to hide themselves where no one can find them. And even if you do find them, what makes you think they'll help anyway? Why would they help a land that despises them?

Soren: You are right...I rather not lend them a hand. However, the consequences will be grave if I don't. This world will fall apart if those creatures spread the land...or maybe I did it for a different reason...Maybe if we were able to seal this portal, then the savants wouldn't despise the branded anymore. It's not like we want to be called "the branded"....untouchables..abominations of life..we were just born this way. But now...I feel as though I was born a branded for a reason. This must be the god's test, and I aimed to clear it.

Lady: Is that so now...

From behind, a girl with green eyes and long blonde hair showed up. She was holding a doll that looked just like her. The girl stared at the abyssal creature before looking at the three puppeteer.

Lady: Which of you three allowed the creatures to escape.

Diablo: (nervously) Ahh..well, Lady, you see..

Both Clair and Clara pointed at Diablo.

Clara: Lady Cordelia, It was him.

Clair: Diablo did it.

Diablo: (scared) Ah..lady, I apologize. I won't slack off anymore so if you don't mind..please don't turn me into a doll...being a doll is stiffening, you can't move or talk and sitting by a windowsill is just not my thing.

Cordelia: Is that so..alright then, I'll use a voodoo doll on you as punishment.

Diablo: L-Lady, that not the point here.

Cordelia walked towards Soren and looks up at him. She was at least two feet shorter.

Cordelia: "Branded wind". I believe you're right. Life is a test. If you pass it, good things happens. But if you fail it, then bad things happen so who knows...maybe if you're able to seal the portal, then something good will happen. Either way, we'll see. I look forward in seeing what happens. That is all.

Cordelia walked away along with the three puppeteers and after that, we resume our travel.

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