Chapter 21

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Oscar looked over to the seat by his side, empty, unoccupied.

He felt a little sorry for Jeanette, felt sorry for what he had to do.

He didn't think he was coming off as though he liked her, but he somehow managed to lead Jeanette into believing he did.

He felt bad because he didn't want to lose the friendship, but the feelings between them were too painful to ignore and the gaping hole to deep to be able to overcome.

Well, it was just one less friend for him and he still had a lot of others to choose from.

He'd just feel extremely awkward sitting next to her, now, and he bet she would, too.

Oscar had never liked anyone romantically, not any girl nor Jeanette. This wasn't the first time he was forced to cut ties with a girl because of her confession. Truth be told, he kind of knew Jeanette felt something towards him, but he was hoping she was too shy to tell him so. But when she did, he couldn't just lie to her and keep her in her little fantasy - he had to put an end to them.

Oscar had never liked anyone and was in no place for love. It was enough to have all these friends. He did not want to commit.

He did not want to, because if he did, he was scared he'd end up like his parents.

It was long ago since his parents used to truly love one another. It was long ago, and their relationship was more for the sake of convenience and business rather than anything else.

Not only did they not care about their son, they also didn't care about each other.

Oscar was content living without love as long as he got friends behind his back.

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