Chapter 49

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Oscar saw and understood.

And for the first time in a while, he wanted to apologize.

Genuinely, sincerely.

Because now he knew that perhaps the best way to win someone back is through apologizing and forgiveness.

Of course, he couldn't expect Jeanette to immediately forgive him and wrap her arms around his neck in a tight hug, but he could at least try.

Trying costs nothing.

But the next days, she didn't appear in school again. It made him feel even worse - was he the reason for her absence?

When she appeared again, as if nothing had happened, he could see more wounds on her forearms. It made him feel even worse - was he the reason for the pain and cuts?

He wanted to talk to her, but he knew she wanted no more business with him.

To her, even uttering a few simple words to him felt like the biggest deal, like the hardest thing to ever do.

For the first time in ages, Oscar really, actually, truly felt bad for what he'd done to someone.

He wanted nothing more than to rewind, to turn back time, travel into past and erase tbe mistakes he had commit and troubles he had caused.

Now, he saw what was the right thing he should've done - but to his unfortune, what once happened could not be changed.

Although he wanted to apologize, he never got a chance to.

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