Chapter 38

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She braced herself against what was coming, shrank even more into herself.

"Let's stop being friends," she repeated, voice small and timid.

Even in the dark she was able to notice Oscar's brows furrow. He tilted his head to the side.

"Why do you think so?" Despite Oscar getting upset with her words, he didn't let it show, instead keeping his voice as calm as he could.

"It's just," Jeanette took a deep breath, "it's just not working out. I can't be friends with you."

She was unsure of what he's about to do in that moment. Perched on the mattress as he was, she could not decide on what to expect of him.

What do people do in such a situation, anyway?

There was a long pause from him, coming to an end when he grunted lowly, "sleep." With those words, he laid back down onto his mattress and Jeanette was left alone, huddling in the corner of the bed.

She felt bad for saying it to him, especially in his house when he had just invited her over.

She felt as if she was ungrateful.

But she also felt as if she had no other choice.

And what was she supposed to do, now? Go back to sleep like him? And what would happen in the morning?

She couldn't just suddenly leave, as well. How would she get home without being caught by her (or Oscar's) parents? She was never the one to be able to sneak out from somewhere.

She laid back down carefully, the previously soft pillow seemingly hard now, poking into her head uncomfortably.

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