Chapter 27

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Oscar didn't know a lot about Jeanette.

He only knew what she had told him about herself, and she carefully chose what to and what to not tell him.

She was embarrassed to talk about certain things with him. Things like ber family, or even herself.

She somehow always managed to turn the conversation back to Oscar and let him talk, Jeanette only listening and putting her own input when she felt like it.

Most of their conversations were about dumb things, everyday light talks, no too deep stuff.

Oscar didn't know how Jeanette used to be before he came and they became friends and she intended to keep it that way, so that he'd never find out what kind of a loser and a freak her classmates thought of her to be.

Of course, some things from her past didn't change. The razor blade still lured her in just as strongly as before.

The pain of cutting through her skin was still enjoyable along with the shivers which ran down her skin every time the sharp blade cut in too deeply or the stinging and burning sensation she felt afterwards.

Oscar didn't know a lot about Jeanette, but he remained sitting next to her at her original desk and one time, lasting only a split second, he happened to look her way just when she raised her arm to scratch the back of her neck, just as she raised her arm and the sleeve of her loose sweater slid down to her elbow, revealing just the tiniest part of one of her cuts.

It lasted a short time and the cut was barely visible, but Oscar saw.

Oscar saw everything that she had hid from him, all her pain and suffering.

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