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dear diary,
do you know what the hell a oonchie woonchie wick is? because i sure don't know what the fuck that means. this 6th grader came up to me today and said that like i was some sort of alien from mars. today was pretty chaotic in school but i loved it cuz i became a little adventurous today. we aren't allowed our ipods during class but i was listening to music during english class because i didn't understand a single word the teacher was saying in her weird, fake american accent, it's funny.

i can guarantee you that im the most sane person in my school right now and yea that's pretty much it? except for the fact that seungkwan was absent today because he wasn't feeling well, he messaged me this morning i feel loved wtf.

this morning my 3 musketeers woke me up by surrounding me with all the love, especially doongie, he was being extra lovey dovey today. loving life right now is an understatement. anyways bye this is stupid

- love, min

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