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dear diary,
i got a new job at a café near the university to earn a bit of money. i already had a job at a café as a barista but no? it wasn't paying enough and ya boy needs to pay his bills on time. so yes i got another job except this time they pay a lot more because the café is more posh. like rich looking people come there, it's not for broke people like me.

and anyways, after work yesterday me and seungkwan finally met!! WE MET AFTER THREE FUCKING YEARS THATS SO EXCITING ASJWJSJW. I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN I SAW HIM, WE LITERALLY SCREAMED AND HUGGED EACH OTHER LIKE A DUO OF MANIACS. strangers stared at us like we were aliens that spawned there out of the blue. well we didn't care, we had met each other after so long and we were so happy, it felt like we hadn't met in forever when in reality it was just three years. i swear once we went into the empty café we almost kissed and cuddled right there because we missed each other THAT much. i love him so much, my first real best friend :((

he spilled ALL the tea in his university while sipping on cold coffee i specifically made for my love. he really is the love of my life, my closest friend for real. other than the three other bitches i have, he's my closest and my first real bestie <33. we can rant about each other FOR FUCKING HOURS and not get bored because we became that close over the years. anyways, he was spilling the tea and i was sipping on coffee and shit until ANOTHER CUSTOMER CAME INSIDE AND THIS HAPPENED.

wait fucking fuck shit fuck i can't spill now fucking hell fuck i forgot about the essay i had to write about contemporary and salsa dance fuck my life BYE.

- love, min <33


minho never understood the hustle and bustle of new york city though it was one that he adored. he cleaned a booth with a cloth as a light drizzle of rain pattered on the roof of the small café that he worked in. the male was waiting for his best friend seungkwan to arrive. it had been three years since they last met and parted ways. minho missed that social butterfly so much.

he switched the orange lights that flickered on, ones hanging above each table like a tiny little chandelier for each table. the faint sun illuminated through the transparent glass door of the mini place, reflecting on the dark coloured wooden floor. the place remained as warm as a fireplace warming the comforting depths of one's home. there was soft, calming music playing from the recorder that was placed at the corner of the café.

he pulled up his sleeve and checked the time on his wrist. a small smile tugged across his lips as he saw the time on his watch. it was about time his best friend came. and exactly that's  when he heard a bell clinking at the door of the. he and seungkwan froze. the pair stood there staring at each other for moment with a wide smile on their faces as a screech from both the males pierced through the quiet atmosphere. a mischievous smile plastered on both their faces.

minho ran up to the male and tackled him to the floor, screams of excitement echoing the walls.

"you fucking asshole! why did you leave me for three years?! i thought you had a plan that we'd go to college together?" the male shrieked in korean, having a tight grip on both of seungkwan's non existent collars, practically sitting on top of him.

the guy below him with the same amount of confidence and tight grip, he held the other male's collar, a smirk painted across his face.

"bitch, be grateful i even fucking came here to meet your cat obsessed ass! i came here to spill tea and this is how you welcome me?!" seungkwan yelled and tackled back with all the force in his body. there was a lot of shouting going on while they wrestled each other at the door. people from outside were staring at them like aliens from neptune spawned inside the café when in reality it was just two best friends who met after really long.

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