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dear diary,
GIRL WHAT. this random ass 9th grader came up to me today at my secret spot and started cursing me out like wtf have i done to you kid, dude was wearing his hat the wrong and really thought he did something when he did that like girl all you did was embarrass the shit outta yourself. yea i hope im not paired up with that kid for the trip.

anyways im just so excited for the trip, it's in 3 days. they asked us to arrive at the airport by seven on the evening since our flight is at ten and they have to get us all checked in, that's like over a hundred students. eight teachers are coming with us and our phones are allowed so that we can contact our parents because they can't keep in contact with parents of almost 150 students. no wonder they asked us to pay so much, the ticket of each student plus eight teachers were probably expensive.

yesterday was changbin's birthday and when i tell u he wore the most adorable outfit yesterday to school. he wore these overalls with glasses, i wish i could take a picture of it he looked so squishy and cute I WILL ATTACK HIM. he will attack me if i say that straight to his face so im writing it here I WANTED TO SQUISH HIM SO HARD AND THEN LIKE JUST CUTE AGGRESSION

anyways see yall later, bye hoes

- love, min

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