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minho picked up the small metal tag on the floor as he walked out his dorm building. 'han jisung ♡' is what the tag said. he didn't know anyone named han jisung yet he decided to keep the paper to himself, he thought the name was cute.

the male placed the tag safely into his pouch and smiled to himself. he always wondered what his crush's name was. the incredibly ethereal male who always transported minho into a whole different world of his own at the sight of him. the male who's name minho had absolutely no idea of.

he skipped through the pathway to his afternoon lecture, his blue earphones in his ears, connected to his phone, him listening to twice and bts songs. the male was currently humming the tune of 'like' by bts when he felt a feather‐like tap on his right shoulder.

he turned to find the small male he encountered a few days back in the crowded halls of his university. his crush. although the person who spoke to him was the teddy bear looking boy that's always with him. minho removed one of his earphones from one ear to hear what the boy was saying.

"hey, um did you see a metal tag with the name han jisung written on it? my friend lost it so i was wondering if you had seen it anywhere," the brunette spoke

"oh well about that-"

that's when he came. his crush. the male came jogging inside the building as he ran his hand through his hair which was a wild mess, the male's hair bouncing to the rhythm of his running. oh did he look so damn beautiful. his radiant skin glowing as the sunlight shone against the male's body. unlike the previous time he encountered the male, this time he'd been wearing something so different. the charismatic male wore a plain white t-shirt which was paired with a striped red and white colored skirt with black jeans under it.

minho was mesmerized.

"jongho! did you find it?" he yelled as he came running towards the brunette and stopped at his tracks, right in front of the taller.

"no, not yet, jisung," the red haired male said as the shorter male slammed his palm to his forehead in disappointment.

minho's voice was stuck and he struggled to talk. all he did was gaze at the masterpiece standing right in front of him. he looked at the male like he'd been sculpted specially by the aphrodite. the male smelled of fresh flowers, his strong scent lingered in the air around minho.

"oh, you!" the shorter male exclaimed

"you know him?" the boy supposedly named jongho asked

"yes i do! we bumped into each other a few days back."

minho took deep breaths, his voice still stuck at his throat, he had so much to say yet he wasn't able to utter a single word. he hated that his voice would always get stuck with people he thought were too ethereal to be actual people existing on earth. this guy was one of them.

"well um, i like um have the tag you're talking about, i think," minho stuttered out as he pulled his blue pouch out of his backpack, opened its zipper and pulled out the pink coloured metal tag he'd found on the floor. he handed it to the male, supposedly named jisung. han jisung. what a pretty name, just like the person.

"thank you so much! if it weren't for you, i would've been so late! thanks again!" jisung grinned joyously at minho as he grabbed jongho's wrist and ran away. the boy's voice sounded smooth as silk, a voice that one would think is rare; a voice not too deep yet not too high pitched. jisung's voice like a soft melody to minho's ears, his voice sounded like honey.

the boy had a squirrel-like smile that made him look extremely endearing and adorable. his eyes shaped like crescent moons when he smiled; his smile being one shaped like a heart. his nose crinkled a bit when he smiled. there were tiny dimples that dented the centre of each of his cheeks, a small tint of blush was applied to his cheeks and his lips were painted a natural shade of pink.

han jisung was breathtaking.

minho took a glance at the sky as he wore his earphones and played music, which he then looked at the ground and smiled exutantly as he fiddled with his fingers. and yet again, a light tint of crimson covered his face as he giggled to himself.

"damn, han jisung, what a beautiful name," the brunette whispered to himself as he continued giggling at the thought of the situation that he encountered a few minutes before.

he skipped along and through the meadow of grass in happiness. oh what a life he'd gotten, he was extremely grateful for it.

i tried my best in writing omg, i still need to improve so much.

it's not too long, tell me if yall want longer chapters, i'd love to write. anyways, writing chapters are gonna start a bit now as i already mentioned, im so fucking excited.

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