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dear diary,
this is gonna be a very short entry but damn, i actually got good grades in this one stupid biology exam. i dont even know why i picked biology and dance together but i did. everything is still shitty at home and it's invincible to fuck with my mental health anymore so yea. i love seungkwan, changbin and wonwoo. life savers and my only friends. my boyfriends for real. love them so damn much. i hope they think the same. but you know what, they have a love life and i don't hahaha. yea that's okay i don't give a fuck, im helping them get the loves of their lives.

seungkwan is atleast friends with his love but wonwoo? bitch is too scared to even approach him. he likes this massive golden retriever looking guy from another section. he's cute and all which is what wonwoo says but he also says that he's massive and could snap him in half so he's scared to approach him. im saying that he's probably a giant teddy bear who wouldn't even hurt a fly but this dumbass doesn't believe me.

well my love life? meh i haven't found anyone yet. keyword: yet. ok bye

- love, min

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