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dear diary,
im so in love with han jisung and im sure you know that, i want to get to know him so much more but it's so difficult. i've ranted about it so much and i've ranted about how much im in love with him. you know what, i keep getting dreams about him and it's so fucking stupid but what can i do, my subconscious mind knows about my silly crush on him.

i just realized that seonghwa who's my roommate is the dude who i got compared to in 11th grade with that shitty pe teacher of mine, no wonder he was so fucking familiar. he likes a guy from his major, he's in his class and is his fucking benchmate unlike me, he's in a totally different major, a totally different class and the only way i can interact with him is if mingyu does something bc they're in the same major. wonu can't do shit that dude is an introvert to the next level. im going to actually combust from how single i am, i have a crush and see him almost everyday at the cafeteria but i will never get into a relationship with him, ever, god fucking hell what if he's straight and i won't even know. i swear i will even pay mingyu for him to become friends with jisung so we can get in contact.

im so single and in love my life is a whole disaster. ok gotta go and find out tea about shit in uni with seonghwa bc that's what i do during my free time, bye

- love, min

i have the weirdest fucking dreams, like i was sleeping in the afternoon bc i was tired and i dreamt about meeting jyp and seeing moonbin dance in skz's dance practice room with jyp's doberman?? i need therapy 🥰💥

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