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dear diary,
im sick. like sick as fuck. what a lovely way to start off the year. my throat is burning up along with my temperature and im so close to combusting because i have no idea how to take care of myself. surviving with a good 103.2°F fever, going strong it's probably going to increase. im actually dying nobody is home, i mean at like the dorms, wonu and his beloved boyfriend left this morning to jeju island, god knows where the fuck are seonghwa and hongjoong, didnt see dude from yesterday. i called mom to ask her help and she just started panicking when i said my temperature is so high. sO IM GOING TO THE DOCTOR SOON, im going to be taking a taxi because my weak ass cant take my bike right now, its fucking impossible. i have such a lovely life dont i? falling sick two days into the new year, that too the worst sickness i've probably ever had, so sick to the point that i can feel my own heart beating loudly inside of my head like an annoying alarm clock.

i don't get sick often but when i do its like i got the plague but anyways let's forget being sick for a bit and talk about why my mother thinks i have a secret girlfriend im not telling her about. well news flash mother your son is a raging ✨️home essential✨️

listen, so she called me yesterday to wish me a happy new year and then proceeded to say "im sure you have a girlfriend by now, how was yesterday?" if you saw me which seonghwa did i absolutely almost threw myself into the trash can, head first and everything. the trash can looked so much better than hearing my very own mother ask me if i have a girlfriend and indirectly ask if we FUCKED. BRO I SWEAR AHSJAJEHS.

it's also a beautiful wednesday morning where my shitty university decides not to close for new year so im missing important stuff rn.

ALSO OMG TWICE QUEENS RELEASED A NEW ALBUM TODAY I CANT WAIT TO LISTEN TO IT IN THE CAR ON THE WAY TO THE HOSPITAL GONNA BE SO AMAZING. i still always fail to digest the fact that idols like tzuyu and dino are YOUNGER THAN ME and are rich earning money, stuff like that meanwhile im here a broke ass college student struggling to pay my bills, barely surviving in life.

i was on the natgeo channel when i was like sixteen saying i wanna be a singer, danced and stuff too. never happened look where i am rn. atleast i have my cats. and jisung. i think.

- love, min

if only choi seungcheol was my father 😞✊️

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