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dear diary,
SEE NOW THIS IS CALLED BEING SO BOYFRIEND. we are in the bus on our way to the hotel right now, it's a 2 hour journey. yea so anyways when we got to the airport seungkwan my love was dragged away from this kid named vernon, i have no fucking idea where he took him but all i know is that he took my only love away from me and that is a pure offense to me. how dare he HE HAS NO RIGHT TO. well he does but i genuinely don't give a fuck

anyways, some weirdo named chan took away changbin from me so i was left there alone with my social anxiety, not knowing like 90% of the people there except for three of the teachers so i was standing like one of those weird meme emojis like E H E M S I R with my suitcase and then aLL OF A SUDDEN I FEEL SOMEONE HOLDING MY HAND AND I PANICKED BECAUSE I THOUGHT I WAS GETTING KIDNAPPED?? BUT NO I WASNT IT WAS JUST WONWOO WHO NOTICED I WAS ALONE AND ANXIOUS. I AM CRYING THAT WAS SO SWEET OF HIM THAT WAS NOT NEEDED SIR DDO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT MY HEART WAS ABOUT TO EXPLODE INTO A TRILLION PIECES? and because my only two friends were taken away from me he sat next to me the whole flight there and even tried to talk to me even though we are both introverts HE MADE AN EFFORT. cute. i need to get a life.

anyways, now here i am, in the bus, sitting in the one seater side listening to downloaded music on my phone, i love the vibes so much. japan is so pretty. this bus is so big like how does it even fit 150 teenagers. okay nevermind im gonna stop listening to music on my phone because they just started playing music on the speakers and it's a literal party, and it's dark but pretty outside, it's such a vibe listening to music so late at night in the massive bus, everyone singing. oh wow the life i love. they're playing all english songs but i really don't care because it's just so much fun.

OH MY GOD THEYRE PLAYING DEAR FUTURE HUSBAND TO MY DEAR FUTURE HUSBAND, YOU PROBABLY DONT KNOW ME BUT I LOVE YOU. anyways. im going to go vibe now with the whole of highschool bye.

- love, min <3

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