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dear diary,
i keep fucking forgetting to update because of how busy i am but im so gay. im an actual walking fruit bowl. my birthday is in three days and i need to spill the tea about what happened the past three months when i went missing. jk i didn't go missing i just forgot about the existence of this diary.

seonghwa's pansexual ass is now in a relationship with hongjoong and he's so happy im melting.

but im so sad though :((

hongjoong is friends with jongho, jisungs so called friend and seonghwa told hongjoong about my intense crush on jisung, the dude told me shit like "nah im sorry man, he's been in a relationship with wooyoung for the past four months, they're really happy together,"

my heart SHATTERED. you could literally hear it shatter. seonghwa was like you really had to break his heart like that didn't you and i fucking left lmao. i mean what can i do about the fact that those two are in a relationship except for grieving this silly crush of mine. HAHAHAHAAHA anyways im going to pass away now bye

- love, min


so if any of yall are wondering why the dates are skipping so fast is its because it's a fucking diary and he can write whenever he wants. so yes that's the only reason why the dates are skipping so fast of you were wondering.

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