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everything felt exhausting to him. even existing did at this point. he was stuck, confused between two people. probably even ruined his friendship with one because he let his emotions take over him.

"you're a dumb bitch for that, jisung."

"i was confused ok? stupid shit."

"that doesn't give you the rights to block him out of nowhere, he was just worried," the male that sat next to jisung on the sofa said as he curled his fingers around the warm cup of tea, tsking at his friend's disappointing move.

jisung stopped typing the essay on his laptop and looked up.

"look here you little shit, i've told you several times that im catching feelings for someone i don't want to."

"i don't know, i think it's good that you're moving on from wooyoung but i hope you're not gonna use you know who for it."

"fuck you jongho."

"shut up im literally your only friend right now," the other said, rolling his eyes

jisung picked a pillow up from next to him and placed it on his torso, making himself comfortable on the sofa as the atmosphere quietened down

"you excited that you're getting a top surgery tomorrow?" jongho asked as he changed the song playing on the mini tv.

"more than you can imagine. i've been waiting for this day ever since i was fourteen, you know?" he said, cracking a smile to express his excitement

"we'll have to go to wake up at the ass crack of dawn since we have to leave for the hospital early ok? make sure not to eat anything after two hours," the younger instructed

"ok dad."


jisung yawned as jongho put a bag inside his car and slapped the sleepy male's arm.

"i told you not to wear a binder, you literally won't be able to get surgery if you wear it now! you won't have to wear it ever again if you remove it now! come on, go remove it, i'll wait here,"


"you want the doctors to do the surgery or not?"

"hmph, fine," he whined and jogged back the way to their dorms, eyes still squinted.

it was six thirty in the morning and the pair had to get to the hospital for the male's top surgery.

before he knew it, jisung came jogging back , now without the binder.

smiling, the pair got into the car, excited for what was about to happen in the next few hours.

"unblock him, jisung. i'm not starting the car until then."

"do you think he's transphobic?"

"are you insane? im sure as hell he's not, anyways its 2023, who on this earth could possibly be transphobic?"

"smh, fine."


i've been wanting to write this for so goddamn long but im so busy, sorry if it's short i have a packed schedule this week 😭

dear diary | minsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora